
4.4 Error Messages

Error! [ERRORS]
At Startup OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
Initialization of the OLE DLL failed when the application was started up. Please uninstall the application and Install it again.
SolidPalette.ocx not found.
This error message arises when SolidPalette.ocx cannot be found in either the directory in which the application resides (c:\nintendo\n64kit\texedit\bin) or in the Windows System directory. This module file is required by the application. Please uninstall the application and Install it again.
BrowseFolder.ocx not found
Occurs when BrowseFolder.ocx cannot be found in either the directory in which the application resides (c:\nintendo\n64kit\texedit\bin) or in the Windows System directory. This module file is required by the application. Please uninstall the application and Install it again.
PropertyList.ocx not found
Occurs when PropertyList.ocx cannot be found in either the directory in which the application resides (c:\nintendo\n64kit\texedit\bin) or in the Windows System directory. This module file is required by the application. Please uninstall the application and Install it again.
When Manipulating TPF Files Keyword was not found in File
Occurs when a TPF file is opened and the essential TPF keyword (TPF_DIR/TMF_DIR/TLF_DIR) cannot be found. Either it is an incorrect TPF file or it is not a TPF file. Please open a correct TPF file.
Keyword - "Directory" does not exist.
Occurs when the directory path set for the essential TPF keyword (TPF_DIR/TMF_DIR/TLF_DIR) does not exist. Please set the correct directory path.
When Manipulating TMF Files Compressed format not supported.
Compressed format not supported.
Sorry, 24bit not supported. Only 4bit or 8bit is supported.
Occurs when an attempt is made to open a 1bit, 16bit, 24bit, or 32bit BMP file. Convert to a 4bit or 8bit BMP file and try to open it again.
Save failed.
Occurs upon failure of a TMF file Save operation. A system error message is output prior to this message. Please respond in accordance to the system error message. Possible causes include an incorrect path name, a shared lock, a read-only file, insufficient disk space, no disk in the drive, or a hardware problem.
When Manipulating TLF Files Failed to open file [Filename].
Occurs upon TLF file read/write failure. Please specify a correct TLF filename.
[Filename] has incorrect body size.
Failed to create [Filename].
[Filename] has incorrect header information.
[Filename] has incorrect header size.
Occurs on failure to read a TLF file. Either file is not a TLF file, or the TLF file is corrupted. Please specify a correct TLF file.
When Manipulating Pictures Please specify new file name.
Occurs when a file name is not entered in the combo box when you click on the "New.." button in the Picture dialog. A name is required when creating a new TMF/TLF, so please enter a simple (unique) file name.
File name already exists. Please enter a unique name.
Occurs when a file name that already exists is entered in the combo box when you click on the "New.." button in the Picture dialog. Please enter a simple (unique) file name when creating a new TMF/TLF.
Incorrect parameter.
Occurs when creating a new project if the parameters are insufficient. This can arise if you have not specified a name for the project.
Active palette not found. You must open or create a palette.
Ocurrs when registering an image in a project picture if at the same time an effort is made to attach a palette but there is not palette that can be attached. Either open an attached palette or create one.
When Manipulating Plug-Ins Preview Plug-In not installed
Preview entry not found
Occurs when you click the Preview button and the Preview-use plug-in is not in the PlugIns directory. Check for "PlugIns/Preview.*" in the directory where the application resides. If not there, please reinstall.
Import Plug-In not installed.
import entry not found
Export Plug-In not installed.
export entry not found
Occurs when you execute Import/Export and the import/export plug-ins are not in the PlugIns directory. Open "About N64 CITextureEditor..." from the Help menu and check whether the Import/Export plug-ins have been installed. If not, reinstall the plug-ins from the Installer.
ISVNLoad.dll not found. Please install the IS-VIEWER64 software.
Occurs when the ISVNLoad.dll needed for Preview cannot be found. If ISVNLoad.dll is not in the plug-ins directory, please reinstall. Otherwise, install the IS-VIEWER64 software. No problem if in the Windows System directory.
Available IS-VIEWER64 not found. You can connect a maximum of 7 IS-VIEWER64 on one SCSI host adapter."
Occurs when a connectable IS-VIEWER64 cannot be found. It might be that another program is using IS-VIEWER64 so you cannot connect. Please avoid simultaneous use of the application.
When Calling Help Cannot open Help. Please check whether Help file exists and browser is properly installed.
Occurs when the Help file cannot be displayed. The system searches for "../doc/index.html" from the directory where the application resides, so check that this path exists. If the Help file still cannot be displayed, then the association between the HTML extension and startup of the browser is not being made, or the browser is not installed properly. Please reinstall your browser.

Warning! [WARNINGS]
When Manipulating Projects TPF file already exists. Overwrite?
Warns when a new project is being created and a file with the specified file name already exists. Answer "yes" to overwrite the existing file, or answer "no" to cancel.
Project already opened. (You can use only one Project.) Do you want to close it?
This warning occurs if you act to create a new project or to open a project when another project is already open. You can only open one project at time. Click "OK" to close the project currently being edited and to open a new project. Click "Cancel" to return to the current status.
When Manipulating Pictures File not found. Ignore error and continue?
This warning arises when you click the OK button in the Picture dialog if the specified TMF or TLF file cannot be found. Possibly the file name is incorrect or there is come mistake in the TMF directory or TLF directory specification. Click "OK" to ignore and continue, or click "Cancel" to correct the file name.
You must attach a palette before adding to project. Attach active palette now?
When an image is registered in the project picture, this warning occurs if a palette is not attached or if the attached palette is not active. Select "Yes" to attach the currently active palette, or "No" to cancel.
Please save document to be added to project.
When an image is registered in the project picture, this warning occurs if the image does not already exist as a file. The File Save dialog is displayed after this warning dialog, giving you the opportunity to save the image as a file.
When Manipulating Images Could not allocate buffer for UNDO information. Clear all UNDO buffers?
Occurs when manipulating images if not enough memory can be secured for the UNDO buffer. Select "Yes" to clear UNDO buffers. If you select "No," if possible please close unnecessary windows to secure memory space.


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