Programming Cautions
The programming cautions are provided to ensure present and future compatibility between the Nintendo 64 Control Deck, Game Pak, and accessories. This manual includes information to help avoid common mistakes that are likely to otherwise occur, programming cautions for the Nintendo 64 System, information regarding uniform specifications, and cautions regarding accessories such as the Controller Pak and the Rumble Pak.
All cautions marked "Required" must be observed in order for a submission to pass lot check. The cautions that are marked "Recommended" are only suggestions intended to enhance the game for the end user.
This manual only applies to products sold outside the Japanese market. For products intended for Japanese markets, please refer to the Nintendo 64 Programming Cautions Manual released by NINTENDO CO., LTD.
1. Program Start-up
- Initializing the N64 Control Deck (Required)
- Program Power-on Delay (Recommended)
- Initialization of the TLB (Required)
- ROM Access Speed in the Game Pak (Required)
2. Backup Memory
- Dealing with Damaged Backup Data (Required)
- Backup Memory Initialization (Required)
- Life Span of EEPROM (in the write mode) (Required)
3. Controller
- Re-calibration of the Control Stick (Required)
- Control Pad Operation (Required)
- Operation of Unused Buttons (Required)
- Mechanical "Play" in Control Stick (Recommended)
- Maximum Range of Control Stick Value (Required)
- Input Value of Control Stick (Required)
4. Compiler, Assembler and Library
- Version of the Library (Recommended)
- R4300 Multiplication Anomaly (Required)
- Deleting Debug Information (Required)
5. Video Mode
- MPAL Compatibility of Software for North American Markets (Required)
- Destination Code for NTSC and PAL Games (Required)
6. Reset (NMI)
- Determining Hot-start and Cold-start (Required)
- Y Scale Reset (Required)
- Suspension of Graphics and Audio Tasks (Required)
7. Master Data
- ROM Size and ROM File Size (Required)
8. Cinematic Sequence Screen
- Demo Mode Processing (Required)
9. Display Screen
- Safety Frame Size (Recommended)
- Excessive Flicker (Recommended)
- Screen Boundaries (Recommended)
10. Controller Pak
- Compatibility of Data (Required)
- Treatment of Saved Data (Required)
- Controller Pak Free Space (Required)
- Exchanging Controller Pak (Required)
- Damaged Controller Pak - General (Required)
- Saving Game Notes (Required)
- Controller Pak Menu - Display (Required)
- Controller Pak Menu - Contents (Required)
- Optional Delete for Game Notes (Required)
- Game Note Information (Required)
- Reliability of Data (Required)
- Software Access to Controller Pak (Required)
- Data Compatibility with Program Revisions (Required)
- Multi-note Application (Required)
- Controller Pak Usage (Required)
- Multi-note Names and Data (Required)
- Controller Pak Menu Library (Required)
11. Rumble Pak
- Operating Mode (Required)
- Rumble Pak Motor Start/Stop (Required)
- Rumble Pak Errors (Required)
- Rumble Pak Stop (Required)
- Avoiding Rumble Pak Failure (Recommended)
12. Capacity of the RDRAM
- RDRAM Capacity (Required)
13. Game Pak
- ROM and RAM Access (Required)
14. Audio
- Prevention of Audio Pop (Required)
© 1999 Nintendo of America Inc.
Release Date: March 1999