Global Variables
u32 nuAuDebugFlag
Debug Flags
This enables the debugging function specified to the audio manager while debugging or tuning audio.
The values which can be specified are as follows. When multiple are specified, they can be specified using "or".
NU_AU_DEBUG_NORMAL | Performs warning or error output. Output is sent to the console by the osSyncPrintf function. |
NU_AU_DEBUG_DISABLEDMA | Prohibits PI-DMA transfer |
NU_AU_DEBUG_DISABLEAI | Prohibits setting an audio buffer in the AI register |
NU_AU_DEBUG_DISABLETASK | Prohibits execution of audio tasks |
NU_AU_DEBUG_FIFOOFF | Disables FIFO events |
NU_AU_DEBUG_RETRACEOFF | Disables retrace events |