Audio (N64 Sound Tools) Related

Functions (M)=Macro

nuAuStlInit Initialize the audio manager, activate the sequence player and the sound player
nuAuStlMgrInit Initialize the audio manager
nuAuStlPtrBankInit Initialize sound pointer bank
nuAuStlPtrBankSet Register sound bank in player
nuAuStlHeapAlloc Reserve specified area from audio heap memory
nuAuStlHeapGetFree Get size of available space in audio heap memory
nuAuStlHeapGetUsed Get size of used space in audio heap memory

* Sequences

nuAuStlSeqPlayerInit Initialize sequence player
nuAuStlSeqPlayerDataSet Read song data
nuAuStlSeqPlayerPlay Play back sequence
nuAuStlSeqPlayerGetState(M) Return number of channels used by sequence player
nuAuStlSeqPlayerStop(M) Stop performance of all sequences
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetMasterVol(M) Set overall volume of sequence player
nuAuStlSeqPlayerGetSeqState(M) Return number of channels used by sequence specified by sequence handler
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSeqStop(M) Stop performance of sequence specified by sequence handler
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetSeqTempo(M) Change tempo of sequence specified by sequence handler
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetSeqVol(M) Set volume of sequence specified by sequence handler
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetSeqPan(M) Set pan position of sequence specified by sequence handler

* Sounds

nuAuStlSndPlayerPlay Play back sound specified by sound number
nuAuStlSndPlayerPlay2 Play back sound specified by sound number
nuAuStlSndPlayerGetState(M) Return number of channels currently being used by sound player
nuAuStlSndPlayerStop(M) Stop all sounds
nuAuStlSndPlayerSetMasterVol(M) Set overall volume of sound player
nuAuStlSndPlayerGetSndState(M) Return number of channels used by sound specified by sound handler
nuAuStlSndPlayerSndStop(M) Stop sound specified by sound handler
nuAuStlSndPlayerSetSndVol(M) Set volume of sound specified by sound handler
nuAuStlSndPlayerSetSndPan(M) Set pan position of sound specified by sound handler
nuAuStlSndPlayerSetSndPitch(M) Set pitch value of sound specified by sound handler

* Deleted Functions

nuAuStlPlayerInit Initialize audio manager
nuAuStlBankSet Register sound bank in player
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetData Load MIDI sequence data to buffer in sequence player