Audio (N64 Sound Tools) Related
Functions (M)=Macro
nuAuStlInit | Initialize the audio manager, activate the sequence player and the sound player |
nuAuStlMgrInit | Initialize the audio manager |
nuAuStlPtrBankInit | Initialize sound pointer bank |
nuAuStlPtrBankSet | Register sound bank in player |
nuAuStlHeapAlloc | Reserve specified area from audio heap memory |
nuAuStlHeapGetFree | Get size of available space in audio heap memory |
nuAuStlHeapGetUsed | Get size of used space in audio heap memory |
* Sequences
nuAuStlSeqPlayerInit | Initialize sequence player |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerDataSet | Read song data |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerPlay | Play back sequence |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerGetState(M) | Return number of channels used by sequence player |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerStop(M) | Stop performance of all sequences |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetMasterVol(M) | Set overall volume of sequence player |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerGetSeqState(M) | Return number of channels used by sequence specified by sequence handler |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSeqStop(M) | Stop performance of sequence specified by sequence handler |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetSeqTempo(M) | Change tempo of sequence specified by sequence handler |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetSeqVol(M) | Set volume of sequence specified by sequence handler |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetSeqPan(M) | Set pan position of sequence specified by sequence handler |
* Sounds
nuAuStlSndPlayerPlay | Play back sound specified by sound number |
nuAuStlSndPlayerPlay2 | Play back sound specified by sound number |
nuAuStlSndPlayerGetState(M) | Return number of channels currently being used by sound player |
nuAuStlSndPlayerStop(M) | Stop all sounds |
nuAuStlSndPlayerSetMasterVol(M) | Set overall volume of sound player |
nuAuStlSndPlayerGetSndState(M) | Return number of channels used by sound specified by sound handler |
nuAuStlSndPlayerSndStop(M) | Stop sound specified by sound handler |
nuAuStlSndPlayerSetSndVol(M) | Set volume of sound specified by sound handler |
nuAuStlSndPlayerSetSndPan(M) | Set pan position of sound specified by sound handler |
nuAuStlSndPlayerSetSndPitch(M) | Set pitch value of sound specified by sound handler |
* Deleted Functions
nuAuStlPlayerInit | Initialize audio manager |
nuAuStlBankSet | Register sound bank in player |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetData | Load MIDI sequence data to buffer in sequence player |