

s32 nuVrsOpen(NUVrsHandle* handle, s32 contNo)
handle  NUVrsHandle structure
contNo  Controller No. 
Return Value: 

Initializes Voice Recognition System

Initializes the Voice Recognition System by calling the osVoiceInit function.

The return value is the return value from the osVoiceInit function.

This function calls the osVoiceInit function via the SI manager.


CONT_ERR_NO_CONTROLLER Nothing is connected to the Controller port.
CONT_ERR_DEVICE Something other than the Voice Recognition System is connected to the Controller port.
CONT_ERR_VOICE_NO_RESPONSE No response from Voice Recognition System. There may be a problem with the hardware.
CONT_ERR_CONTRFAIL Data transfer failure. There is a problem in the Voice Recognition System connection.
CONT_ERR_INVALID There is an error in the way this function was called or in the argument. This error will not occur if the correct calling method is used. Please correct the error so that this error does not occur when development is completed.