OVERVIEW 1. Game Overview "numirror" is generally comprised of the following 3 programs. (1) Game Title (1) Game Title Game Title performs a display of the MONEGI logo and the game title. (2) Select Character Select Character performs background display, 3D character animation control, and character selection processing. (3) Game Main Game Main is currently not finished and is scheduled to be expanded. Please refer to "Game Title Details" , "Select Character Details" , "Game Main Details" for details on (1), (2), and (3).
numirror Data Directory The sprite data displayed in Game Title and Select Character are stored in the Data directory. Include Directory The header files included in numirror are stored in the Include directory. Lib The library files generated by Resource_Bg, Resource_Char, and Nd are stored in the Lib directory. Nd The Nd directory is a simple display driver for displaying the character objects. Resource_Char The resource data for numirror character objects is stored in the Resource_Char directory. Resource_Bg The numirror map (maze) resource data is stored in the Resource_Bg directory. Sgi_Audio_Data The sequence data and sound (sound effect) data played back by the SGI sound library are stored in the Sgi_Audio_Data directory. Win_Audio_Data2 The sequence data and sound (sound effect) data played back by the Mus library are stored in the Win_Audio_Data2 directory.