NuSYSTEM Samples

SGI [/usr/local/n64kit/nusys/sample/*]
PC  [\nintendo\n64kit\nusys\sample\*]

For additional information, please see the individual readme.txt files in each folder.

nu0 This directory contains the smallest NuSYSTEM sample source. It simply outputs a square and quits.
nu1 This directory has a sample for reading the NuSYSTEM Controller. You can make the square move with the Control Stick. The A button toggles between turning to the right and turning to the left. The square turns faster when you hold down the B button.
nu2 This directory has a sample for switching the NuSYSTEM stage. Stages are switched using the START button. In Stage 0, you can move the square with the Control Stick. In Stage 1, you use the A button to switch between turning to the right and turning to the left. It turns faster when you hold down the B button.
nu3 This directory has a sample of NuSYSTEM audio using SGI sound data. Use UP/DOWN on the Control Pad to playback three sets of sequence data in order. Use LEFT/RIGHT on the Control Pad to playback 11 sets of audio data in order.
nu4 This directory has a sample of NuSYSTEM audio using N64 Sound Tools data. You must install the audio library that comes with N64 Sound Tools in order to compile this sample. Use LEFT/RIGHT on the Control Pad to playback the audio data in order. Use the L & R buttons to change the sequence playback tempo. Use the Z button to stop sequence playback.
nu5 This directory has a simple sample for explaining the performance of NuSYSTEM. Each time, 25 squares of the same shape are written and rotated. The screen displays how many frames can be processed in 1 second. The stage can be switched using the START button. In Stage 1, the graphics task is divided up and processed. Press the Z button to switch from double to triple frame buffer mode.
The sample game Mirror House Cornflake.
nuhighreso A high-resolution sample.
nugptest An N64 GB Pak test program.
nugfxinit A sample of customized graphics initialization.
Controller Pak Menu Sample
nusnake N64 NuSystem Sample Game

For details, look here.