Chapter 3 Binary Format
3-11. TriList

6. ReferenceTriNvData Area

When TRI_ANIM_TRI_NV_FULL is specified

u32 tri_nv_group_index(0)
u32 tri_nv_group_index(tri_anim_frame_num)

Figure: ReferenceTriNvData Area Memory Map
When TRI_ANIM_TRI_NV_FULL is specified

u32 tri_nv_group_index Index number of TriNvGroup to be referred

When TRI_ANIM_TRI_NV_KEY is specified

u32 tri_nv_anim_key_num
u32 tri_nv_anim_key(0)
u32 tri_nv_anim_key(tri_nv_anim_key_num - 1)
u32 tri_nv_group_index(0)
u32 tri_nv_group_index(tri_nv_anim_key_num - 1)

Figure: ReferenceTriNvData Area Memory Map
When TRI_ANIM_TRI_NV_KEY is specified

u32 tri_nv_anim_key_num When Triangle Normal Animationis performed with Key Frame Animation, Enter the total number of keys in this field.
u32 tri_nv_anim_key Key frame value
u32 tri_nv_group_index Index number of TriNvGroup to be referred

When triangle normal animation is not performed

u32 tri_nv_group_index

Figure: ReferenceTriNvData Area Memory Map
When triangle normal animation is not performed

u32 tri_nv_group_index Index number of TriNvGroup to be referred