3-14. TexList
2. Tex Area
TexHeader | u32 | tex_tag |
u32 | this_tex_index | |
u32 | tex_header_size | |
u32 | tex_size | |
u32 | tex_name_index | |
u32 | tex_type | |
u32 | tex_wrap_s | |
u32 | tex_wrap_t | |
u32 | tex_anim | |
u32 | tex_data_area_size | |
u32 | tex_anim_frame_late | |
u32 | nintendo_extension_block_size | |
u32 | user_extension_block_size | |
Figure: Tex Area Memory Map
u32 tex_tag |
Tag indicating Tex area. Set the following flag.
TAG_TEX 0x000b0100 |
u32 this_tex_index | Index number of this Tex area. |
u32 tex_header_size | Number of bytes of this TexHeader area. |
u32 tex_size | Number of bytes of this Tex area. |
u32 tex_name_index | Index number in NameList that describes Tex name. |
u32 tex_type |
Specifies the texture type. Currently, the following formats are defined:
TEX_FORM_I 0x00000000 TEX_FORM_IA 0x00000001 TEX_FORM_CI 0x00000002 TEX_FORM_YUV 0x00000003 TEX_FORM_RGB 0x00000004 TEX_FORM_RGBA 0x00000005 TEX_DEPTH_4 0x00000000 TEX_DEPTH_8 0x00000100 TEX_DEPTH_16 0x00000200 TEX_DEPTH_32 0x00000400 The above flags use TEX_FORM_* and TEX_DEPTH_* in pairs of one of each. For example, in the case of an 8bit color index texture, a flag will be set as follows: TEX_FORM_CI | TEX_FORM_8 However, when converting to Nintendo 64 data, only the following combinations can be used. In the case of TEX_FORM_I, only TEX_DEPTH_4 or TEX_DEPTH_8 can be used. In the case of TEX_FORM_IA, only TEX_DEPTH_4,TEX_DEPTH_8, or TEX_DEPTH_16 can be used. In the case of TEX_FORM_CI, only TEX_DEPTH_4, or TEX_DEPTH_8 can be used. In the case of TEX_FORM_YUV, only TEX_DEPTH_16 can be used. In the case of TEX_FORM_RGB or TEX_FORM_RGBA, only TEX_DEPTH_16 or TEX_DEPTH_32 can be used. |
u32 tex_wrap_s |
Specifies S direction wrapping of texture. Set one of the following flags.
TEX_WRAP_S 0x00000000 TEX_CLAMP_S 0x00000001 TEX_MIRROR_S 0x00000002 Only one of these flags can be set at a time. |
u32 tex_wrap_t |
Specifies T direction wrapping of texture. Set one of the following flags.
TEX_WRAP_T 0x00000000 TEX_CLAMP_T 0x00000100 TEX_MIRROR_T 0x00000200 Only one of these flags can be set at a time. |
u32 tex_anim |
Sets texture animation. The following flags are currently defined.
TEX_ANIM_OFF 0x00000000 TEX_ANIM_FLIPBOOK 0x00000001 TEX_ANIM_FLIPBOOK_KEY 0x00000002 TEX_ANIM_SCROLL_OFFSET 0x00000010 TEX_ANIM_SCROLL_OFFSET_KEY 0x00000020 TEX_ANIM_SCROLL_SCALE 0x00000100 TEX_ANIM_SCROLL_SCALE_KEY 0x00000200 TEX_ANIM_OFF turns texture animation off. TEX_ANIM_FLIPBOOK performs animation by switching textures like a texture animation. TEX_ANIM_FLIPBOOK_KEY performs animation by switching textures using key frame switching timing. TEX_ANIM_SCROLL_OFFSET scrolls the offset coordinates when part of a large texture image is extracted and the texture is used. TEX_ANIM_SCROLL_OFFSET_KEY scrolls the offset coordinates using key frame animation when part of a large texture image is extracted and the texture is used.
TEX_ANIM_SCROLL_SCALE performs animation for the extracted portion size when part of a large texture image is extracted and the texture is used. It is possible to specify each type of texture animation at the same time. However, it is not possiblt to specify full frame animation and key frame animation at the same time when using the same type of animation, such as TEX_ANIM_FLIPBOOK and TEX_ANIM_FLIPBOOK_KEY. When using a number of texture animation types, be sure to set only one texture animation flag to be used by bitOR. All others will not be processed. Set the TEX_ANIM_OFF flag only when no texture animation is to be performed. |
u32 tex_data_area_size | Size of TexDataArea. |
u32 tex_anim_frame_late | Describes the frame rate of texture animation. |
u32 nintendo_extension_block_size | Nintendo extension block size |
u32 user_extension_block_size | User extension block size |
TexDataArea | Specifies how the image is extracted from the TexImgList that stores the actual texture image. Index numbers in TexImgList are also described in this area. Note that the manner of setting this flag differs depending on the specified texture animation type. |
NintendoExtensionBlock | Nintendo extension block |
UserExtensionBlock | User extension block |