Chapter 3 Binary Format

3-17. CollList

4. CollData Area

The CollData area stores the actual collision data. The CollData area is mapped depending on the coll_type specified in the Call area. Mappings for each type follow.

When COLL_TYPE_TERRAIN is specified

u32 coll_data_tag
u32 this_coll_data_index
u32 coll_data_size
u32 x_subdivide
u32 z_subdivide
u32 shape_list_index

Figure: CollData Area Memory Map
When COLL_TYPE_TERRAIN is specified

u32 coll_data_tag Tag indicating CollData
u32 this_coll_data_index Index number of this CollData
u32 coll_data_size Size of this CollData
u32 x_subdivide Number of divisions of the whole terrain data in the X direction
u32 z_subdivide Number of divisions of the whole terrain data in the Z direction
u32 shape_list_index Index number of Shape data used for terrain data

When COLL_TYPE_POINT is specified

u32 coll_data_tag
u32 this_coll_data_index
u32 coll_data_size
float coll_point_x
float coll_point_y
float coll_point_z

Figure: CollData Area Memory Map
When COLL_TYPE_POINT is specified

u32 coll_data_tag Tag indicating CollData
u32 this_coll_data_index Index number of this CollData
u32 coll_data_size Size of this CollData
float coll_point_x X coordinate of Collision point
float coll_point_y Y coordinate of Collision point
float coll_point_z Z coordinate of Collision point

When COLL_TYPE_CIRCLE is specified

u32 coll_data_tag
u32 this_coll_data_index
u32 coll_data_size
float center_x
float center_y
float center_z
float normal_x
float normal_y
float normal_z
float v radius

Figure: CollData Area Memory Map
When COLL_TYPE_CIRCLE is specified

u32 coll_data_tag Tag indicating CollData. Set the following tag.
u32 this_coll_data_index Index number of this CollData
u32 coll_data_size Size of this CollData
float center_x X coordinate of the center of the circle
float center_y Y coordinate of the center of the circle
float center_z Z coordinate of the center of the circle
float normal_x X component of normal vector of the circle
float normal_y Y component of normal vector of the circle
float normal_z Z component of normal vector of the circle
float radius Radius

When COLL_TYPE_SPHERE is specified

u32 coll_data_tag
u32 this_coll_data_index
u32 coll_data_size
float center_x
float center_y
float center_z
float radius

Figure: CollData Area Memory Map
When COLL_TYPE_SPHERE is specified

u32 coll_data_tag Tag indicating CollData

u32 this_coll_data_index Index number of this CollData
u32 coll_data_size Size of this CollData
float center_x X coordinate of sphere's center
float center_y Y coordinate of sphere's center
float center_z Z coordinate of sphere's center
float radius Radius

When COLL_TYPE_CYLINDER is specified

u32 coll_data_tag
u32 this_coll_data_index
u32 coll_data_size
float center_x
float center_y
float center_z
float radius
float height

Figure: CollData Area Memory Map
When COLL_TYPE_CYLINDER is specified

u32 coll_data_tag Tag indicating CollData
u32 this_coll_data_index ndex number of this CollData
u32 coll_data_size Size of this CollData
float center_x X coordinate of the center (bottom)
float center_y Y coordinate of the center (bottom)
float center_z Z coordinate of the center (bottom)
float radius Radius
float height Height of cylinder

When COLL_TYPE_BOX is specified

u32 coll_data_tag
u32 this_coll_data_index
u32 coll_data_size
float center_x
float center_y
float center_z
float length_x
float length_y
float length_z

Figure: CollData Area Memory Map
When COLL_TYPE_BOX is specified

u32 coll_data_tag Tag indicating CollData
TAG_COLL_DATA_BOX	0x000d0106
u32 this_coll_data_index Index number of CollData
u32 coll_data_size Size of this CollData
float center_x X coordinate of cube's center
float center_y Y coordinate of cube's center
float center_z Z coordinate of cube's center
float length_x Length of X axial direction
float length_y Length of Y axial direction
float length_z Length of Z axial direction