18. ChainRootList

(1) ChainList

u32 chain_root_list_tag Describes the tags of ChainRootList. Please specify the tags shown below.

TAG_CHAIN_ROOT_LIST     0x00240000

u32 chain_root_list_header_size Describes the ChainRootListHeader byte size.
u32 chain_root_list_size Describes the ChainRootList byte size.
u32 chain_root_list_num Describes the ChainRoot number.
u32 chain_root_num_byte Describes the byte size of each ChainRoot.
ChainRoot This is the ChainRoot area.

Appendix ... about IK System

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(2) ChainRoot
u32 chain_root_tag Describes the tags of ChainRoot. Please specify the tags shown below.

TAG_CHAIN_ROOT          0x00240100

u32 this_chain_root_index Describes this ChainRoot index number.
u32 chain_root_size Describes the ChainRoot byte size.
u32 chain_root_name_index Uses a NameList index number to describe the ChainRoot name.
u32 chain_root_type Describes the ChainRoot type. Please specify 0x0 as the default.
u32 obj_num Describes the Obj number linked from the ChainRoot.
u32 external_obj_num Describes the Obj number linked from an external file reference ChainRoot.
u32 anim_index Uses an AnimGroup index number to describe the ChainRoot animation.
u32 joint_index Describes the Joint index number that is linked from the ChainRoot.
u32 obj_index Describes the Obj index number that is linked from the ChainRoot.

If obj_num = 0, this field is not described.

u32 external_obj_file_name_index If the Obj that is linked from the ChainRoot references an external file, that file name is described with an ExternalNameList index number.

Please do not include the directory name etc. when describing this file name.

If external_obj_num = 0, this field is not described.

u32 external_obj_name_index If the Obj that is linked from the ChainRoot references an external file, that Obj name is described with an ExternalNameList index number.

If external_obj_num = 0, this field is not described.

Appendix ... about IK System

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