Video Mode

Nintendo 64 games will be displayed on various types of television systems. Therefore, the following cautions should be observed.

5-1 MPAL Compatibility of Software for North American Markets (Required)

North American software must be compatible with both NTSC and MPAL formats.

Games whose market destination is the US must also work on MPAL systems (Brazil) because these games may be shipped to Brazil.

Note: The TV system can be confirmed using the global variable osTvType.

        0 ... PAL

1 ... NTSC

2 ... MPAL

For N64 OS/Library versions 2.0G and greater, no special steps need to be taken to ensure MPAL compatibility, except to set the video mode to an MPAL mode based on the value of osTvType. For N64 OS/Library version 2.0E, the MPAL patch must be installed. To use MPAL with this patch, check the value of osTvType at game start-up. If the value returned is not 0 (PAL), and not 1 (NTSC), set your video mode to an MPAL type. Otherwise, assume NTSC. Furthermore, be sure to link with the MPAL-specific libraries which are generated by the MPAL patch (libultra_mpal.a, libultra_mpal_d.a, libultra_mpal_rom.a).

5-2 Destination Code for NTSC and PAL Games (Required)

The value contained in osTvType must not be used to switch the TV system from NTSC to PAL or PAL to NTSC within the game.

A separate licensing agreement is required for each N64 game title. When a game title is created for more than one market (NTSC, PAL), a separate licensing agreement is required for each version of the game title. Therefore, a Game Pak must not be made compatible with both NTSC and PAL formats.

© 1999 Nintendo of America Inc.
Release Date: March 1999