N64 Controller Control Stick Resolution Specifications

Symbol Explanation

XA X axis center stop width (MAX)
XB X axis left Count (MIN)
XB' X axis right Count (MIN)
XC X axis Count (MIN) with Joy Stick in up right direction
XC' X axis Count (MIN) with Joy Stick in up left direction
XC'' X axis Count (MIN) with Joy Stick in down left direction
XC''' X axis Count (MIN) with Joy Stick in down right direction
YA Y axis center stop width (MAX)
YB Y axis up Count (MIN)
YB' Y axis down Count (MIN)
YC Y axis Count (MIN) with Joy Stick in up right direction
YC' Y axis Count (MIN) with Joy Stick in up left direction
YC'' Y axis Count (MIN) with Joy Stick in down left direction
YC''' Y axis Count (MIN) with Joy Stick in down right direction


Initial Values
XA   MAX: 7 Count
XBM minimum guaranteed value of XB, XB' MIN: 70 Count
XCM minimum guaranteed value of XC, XC', XC'', XC''' MIN: 54 Count
YA   MAX: 7 Count
YBM minimum guaranteed value of YB, YB' MIN: 74 Count
YCM minimum guaranteed value of YC, YC', YC'', YC''' MIN: 56 Count

Values after 500 direction changes
XA   MAX: 7 Count
XBM minimum guaranteed value of XB, XB' MIN: 68 Count
XCM minimum guaranteed value of XC, XC', XC'', XC''' MIN: 52 Count
YA   MAX: 7 Count
YBM minimum guaranteed value of YB, YB' MIN: 70 Count
YCM minimum guaranteed value of YC, YC', YC'', YC''' MIN: 54 Count

Given the above values, the program's actual range of use is as follows.

When greater resolution is required, each game must be calibrated individually, with the Controller being used. Be aware that compensating for each Controller may create an unfair condition where one game player's Controller is favored over another's. When the center stop width is relatively unimportant because of the nature of the game, the values for XBM, XCM, YBM, and YCM become the program's actual range of use.

In other words, the program's center stop width may require adjustment in the application according to the nature of the game.

© 1999 Nintendo of America Inc.