N64 CITextureEditor Plug-In SDK


  1. The Plug-Ins

    1. Initialization process at start-up

        The plug-ins use the DLL interface.
        When the texture editor starts up, it searches the DLLs in the PlugIns directory of the application's directory, checks the name, version and type of each plug-in, and automatically links them.

        The name and version information is obtained from the VS_VERSION_INFO of the DLL resource, so be sure to include the version resource in the DLL.
        Please prepare a Japanese-language resource (041104b0) and an English-language resource (040904e4) of VS_VERSION_INFO.
        Comment is used for detailed information, CompanyName for the company name, FileVersion for the plug-in version, and InternalName for the menu name.

        On the DLL side, first int TEPI_getType() is called, and the plug-in type is returned.
        Next, BOOL TEPI_isAvail(DWORD version) is called, and the application's 4-byte version is passed as the parameter (0x0100000f in the case of If supported in the application, return TRUE. If not supported, return FALSE.

    2. Import process

        If the type is Import (the TEPIT_IMPORT flag is up) then a name should be registered in Import of the File menu
        When the user calls the Import plug-in, the corresponding DLL BOOL TEPI_import(Pic* pInput, Pic* pOutput) is called.

    3. Export process

        If the type is Export (the TEPIT_EXPORT flag is up) then a name should be registered in Export of the File menu.
        When the user calls the Export plug-in, the corresponding DLL BOOL TEPI_export(Pic* pInput) is called.

    4. Preview process

        If the type if Preview (the TEPIT_PREVIEW flag is up) then a call is made from Preview of the View menu.
        However, older versions of the texture editor (before support only one preview plug-in, and it cannot be used at the same time as another preview plug-in.
        When the user calls the Preview plug-in, the corresponding DLL BOOL TEPI_preview(Pic* pInput) is called.

        Up to two Previews are possible from version of the texture editor.
        When the user calls the Preview plug-in, the corresponding DLL BOOL TEPI_preview2(Pic* pInput, int no) is called.

  2. Plug-in Development Environment

    1. Language: C/C++
    2. Environment: Visual C++ 5.0
    3. File format: Windows 32bit DLL

  3. Type information handled by plug-ins

  4. The Plug-In Interface

  5. Header file for declaring plug-in DLLs


Copyright (C) 1998 NINTENDO Co.,Ltd.
Copyright (C) 1998 NINTENDO OF AMERICA, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1998 MONEGI CORPORATION.
Copyright (C) 1998 INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Co.,Ltd.
All rights reserved.