7. Node Settings

The node setting dialog box for the SGI can be started by clicking on the respective node. The nodes that can be set via the dialog box are: Scene, Obj, LOD, Shape, Mat, Texture, Env, Cam, Light, Part, Anim, ChainRoot, Joint, Effector.

The method of entering settings for each node is described below.

Please turn ON for EditMode in [Edit]-[EditMode] ahead of time to make the setting valid.

  • Scene node

    The flags within the NIFF Scene node can be set using the dialog box illustrated below.

    Figure Scene Node Setting Dialog Box

    The Scene name is displayed in this box. It can be edited.

    This sets the video mode flag of the scene_cfg data in the SceneList.
    Use the switch to set one of three modes, NTSC, PAL, or MPAL.

    This sets the flag for gamma correction of the scene_cfg data in the SceneList.

    his sets the flag for dithering the scene_cfg data in the SceneList.

    This sets the flag for divoting the scene_cfg data in the SceneList.

  • Obj Node

    The flags in the NIFF Obj node can be set using this dialog box as illustrated below.

    Figure Obj Node Settings Dialog Box

    The Obj name is displayed in this box. This can be edited.

    ACTIVE Switch
    When turned ON, this sets the obj_state flag in the NIFF Obj to ACTIVE.

    This sets the obj_type data in the NIFF Ojj. This can be selected from among NULL object, 3D object, and BILLBOARD object.

    This sets the obj_group data in the NIFF Obj. When the NONE switch is turned ON, the setting is OBJ_GROUP_NONE. When the NONE switch is turned OFF, the group ID number among the group IDs on the right side becomes enabled.

    This sets the obj_pri data in the NIFF Obj. When the NONE switch is turned ON, the setting is OBJ_PRI_NONE. When the NONE switch is turned OFF, the priority is the one shown in the selection box on the right.

    This sets the obj_render_pri data in the NIFF Obj. If [NIFF->] is selected, the NIFF render mode selection switch on the right can be used to select any of OPA_SURF, OPA_INTER, OPA_DECAL, TEX_EDGE, XLU_SURF, XLU_INTER, XLU_INTER, or XLU_DECAL.

    If [N64->] is selected, the render mode setting is described in render_type0 and render_type1, below the render_priority switch. At present, render_pri can only be set to the [NIFF->] setting.

    This sets the obj_render_cycle_type data in the NIFF Obj. Select either 1cycle or 2cycle.

    for Fog
    NIFF 2.0 has added for Fog settings equivalent to render_priority, render_type0, render_type1, and render_cycle_type. The settings are: obj_render_cycle_type_for_fog, obj_render_pri_for_fog, obj_render_type0_for_fog, and obj_render_type1_for_fog. The settings work in the same way as the Ojb render settings described above and are displayed only when NIFF 2.0 data is loaded.

    Have Link_Billboard
    This sets the have_link_billboard flag in the NIFF Obj.

  • LOD Node

    Flags can be set inside the NIFF LOD node using the following dialog box:

    Figure LOD Node Setting Dialog Box

    number of LOD level
    number of LOD level

    upper is near,lower is far.
    Sets the linked obj in order, starting from the closest.

    If closer than the distance specified in "distance,," then LOD is set to display the Obj number in the current version of NIFFeditor, then number of LODlevels cannot be changed.

  • Shape Node

    The flag in the NIFF shape node can be set using the dialog box illustrated below.

    Figure Shape Node Settings Dialog Box


    The Shape name is displayed in this box. This can be edited.


    This sets the type of anti-aliasing for the shape_type flag in the NIFF Shape node. Select one from among ANTI (anti-aliasing), REDUCED (simple anti-aliasing), and NONE (no anti-aliasing).


    When this switch is turned ON, the shape_type Z-Buffer in the NIFF Shape node becomes enabled.


    This performs culling control of the shape_type in the NIFF Shape node. Turn FRONT to ON, for front face culling, or turn BACK to ON for back face culling. Turn both ON to cull both faces. Turn both OFF for no culling.

    Use Vtx Alpha when using Fog

       Turn on SHAPE_TYPE_USE_VTX_ALPHA_FOR_FOG Flag of shape_type. This is the data which is added in NIFF2.0.

    link to ...

    Displays the contents of kind_of_node_for_geomtry and shape_tri_link. This was added to support NIFF 2.0.

  • Mat Node

    This sets the flags in the NIFF Mat nodes. The dialog box is illustrated below.

    Figure: Mat Node Settings Dialog Box


    'The mat name is displayed in this box. This can be edited.


    This sets the mat_shade_type data in the NIFF Mat. The switches for performing lighting settings, shade settings, and environment settings are lined up from left to right.

    From the lighting settings, select one from among GLOBAL (global light), LOCAL (local light), and NONE (no light).

    From the shade settings, select one from between FLAT (flat shading) and SMOOTH (smooth shading).

    From the environment map settings, select one from among USE_REFLECT (reflection mapping), USE_HILIGHT (highlight mapping), and NONE (no environment mapping).

    Displayed only when NIFF 2.0 data is loaded.

    This defines the ambient_red, ambient_green, ambient_blue and ambient_alpha data in the NIFF mat. Indicate each selection in the range of 0 to 1. Displayed only when NIFF 2.0 data is loaded.

    Displayed only when NIFF 2.0 data is loaded.

    This defines the emission_red, emission_green, emission_blue and emission_alpha in the NIFF mat. Indicate each selection in the range of 0 to 1.

    Displayed only when NIFF 2.0 data is loaded.

    his defines the diffuse_red, diffuse_green, diffuse_blue and diffuse_alpha in the NIFF mat. Indicate each selection in the range of 0 to 1.


    This sets the mat_type in the NIFF Mat. First select the mat type setting method, either NIFF or N64. After changing this switch, the user must currently close the dialog box by clicking [OK] once. Then, click the node again to re-open the dialog box. Otherwise, the display updates. This problem will be corrected in a future revision.

    If NIFF has been selected, the display is in dedicated NIFF color setting mode. In this case, you can choose whether or not to select anything for the various colors: color_type0, color_type1, alpha_type0, and alpha_type1. Multiple colors can also be selected at the same time. However, when these are converted to a display list, the way they are selected is determined by the converter. If [N64] has been selected, the colors are selected according to the color combiner selection method of the N64.

    This sets the forFog mat type in the NIFF mat. Choices are: mat_color_type_0_for_fog, mat_color_type_1_for_fog, mat_alpha_type_0_for_fog and mat_alpha_type_1_for_fog. Displayed only when NIFF 2.0 is loaded.


    This defines the prim_red, prim_green, prim_blue, and prim_alpha data in the NIFF Mat. Indicate each color selection in the range of 0 to 1.

    This defines the prim_red_for_fog, prim_green_for_fog, prim_blue_for_fog and prim_alpha_for_fog in the NIFF mat. Indicate each selection in the range of 0 to 1. Displayed only when NIFF 2.0 data is loaded.


    This describes the usr_flag data in NIFF Mat.

  • Tex Node

    This sets the flags in the NIFF Tex nodes. The dialog box is illustrated below.

    Figure: Tex Node Settings Dialog Box

    This box displays the Texture name. This can be edited.

    This is used to select the texture format. One format is selected from among I, IA, CI, YUV, RGB, and RGBA. This is reflected in the tex_type data in the NIFF Tex node.

    This is used to select the number of bits per texture pixel. Select one from among 4bit, 8bit, 16bit, and 32bit. This is reflected in the tex_type data in the NIFF Tex node.

    Wrap_s, Wrap_t
    The wrap, clamp, and mirror of the texture can be set. This is reflected in the tex_wrap_s_Atex_wrap_t data in the NIFF Text node.

    This defines the tex_filter data in the NIFF Text node. Displayed only when NIFF 2.0 data is loaded. Please see the NIFF 2.0 Specification for details.

    Texture Filter
    This defines the tex_filter in the NIFF Text node.

    Perspective Correctrion
    This defines the usr_perspective_correctrion in the NIFF Text node.

    mipmap level
    This is the mipmap_level in the NIFF Text node. It cannot be edited.

    No/Use Color Palette
    Display Color Pallette depend on the value of usr_color_palette. It cannot be edite.

  • Env Node

    The flags in a NIFF Env node can be set using the dialog box illustrated below.

    Figure: Env Node Dialog Box

    This box displays the Env name. It can be edited.

    Set the fog flag in NIFF Env. When USE FOG is set to ON, this flag becomes ENV_FOG_USE, enabling all subsequent fog-related data.

    fog color
    Set the fog_color flag in NIFF Env. Enter the hexadecimal value so that the flag equals 0xRRGGBBAA.

    fog near
    Set the fog_near flag in NIFF Env. Enter an integer in the range of 0 to 1000.

    fog far
    Set the fog_far in NIFF Env. Enter an integer of 0 to 1000.

    Fill frame buffer with color
    Set the fill_color in NIFF Env. When Fill Frame is ON, the value entered in the boxes on the right are enabled. Enter the hexadecimal value so that the flag equals 0x00RRGGBB.

    Fill frame buffer with color
    Set the fill_depth in NIFF Env. When Fill Z-buffer is ON, the values entered in the boxes on the right are enabled. Enter the hexadecimal value so that the flag equals 0x00RRGGBB.

    BG color
    Set the bg_sprite_img in NIFF Env. When USE Texture is ON, the value entered in the boxes on the right are enabled. Enter Tex index number from the TexList.

    BG depth
    Set the bg_sprite_depth in NIFF Env. When USE Texture is ON, the values entered in the boxes on the right are enabled. Enter Tex index number from the TexList.

  • Cam Node

    The flags in a NIFF Cam node can be set using the dialog box illustrated below.

    Figure Cam Node Setting Dialog Box

    This box displays the Cam name. It can be edited.

    Set the cam_type flag in NIFF Cam.

    clipping plain
    Set the clipping planes.

    This is the near clipping plane. This is reflected in cam_near_clip in NIFF Cam.

    This is the far clipping plane. This is reflected in cam_far_clip in NIFF Cam.

    This is the right clipping plane. This is reflected in cam_right_clip in NIFF Cam.

    This is the left clipping plane. This is reflected in cam_left_clip in NIFF Cam.

    This is the top clipping plane. This is reflected in cam_top_clip in NIFF Cam.

    This is the top clipping plane. This is reflected in cam_bottom_clip in NIFF Cam.

    This is the fovy value. This is reflected in cam_fovy in NIFF Cam.

    This is the aspect value. This is reflected in cam_aspect in NIFF Cam.

    This is the scale value. This is reflected in cam_scale in NIFF Cam.

    This is the index number of the Obj that is the point viewed by the camera. This is reflected in cam_lookat_obj .

    This is the index number of the Obj that is the viewpoint of the camera. This is reflected in cam_eye_obj .

    This is the index number of the Obj that is the point above the camera. This is reflected in cam_up_obj .

  • Light Node

    The flags in a NIFF Light node can be set using the dialog box illustrated below.

    Figure Light Node Setting Dialog Box

    This box displays the Light name. It can be edited.

    ambient light
    Describe the ambient_r, ambient_g, and ambient_b for NIFF Light.

    number of dir/pos lights
    This is a display of the dir_light_num for NIFF Light. This setting cannot be changed.

    light type
    This is a display of the light_type flag for NIFF Light. This setting cannot be changed.

  • Part Node

    The flags in a NIFF Part node can be set using the dialog box illustrated below.

    Figure Part Node Setting Dialog Box

    This box displays the Part name. It can be edited.

  • Anim Node

    The flags in a NIFF Anim node can be set using the dialog box illustrated below.

    Figure: Anim Node Setting Dialog Box

    This box displays the Anim name. It can be edited.

    animation type
    This is a display of the anim_type flag for NIFF Anim. This setting cannot be changed.

    frame rate
    This is a display of the frame_rate flag for NIFF Anim. This setting cannot be changed.

    number of loop times of animation
    This is the anim_loop flag for NIFF Anim. When Endless is OFF, the loop number at the right is enabled and reflected in anim_loop.

    Displayes the use_animation_channel data for the NIFF Anim node. It cannot be edited. Please see the NIFF 2.0 Specification for details.

    Following are nodes which were added in NIFF2.0.

  • ChainRoot Node

    Displays name. It can be editted.

  • Joint Node

    Displays name and joint_type. It can be edited.

  • Effector Node

    Displays name. It can be edited.