Host to Target IO Functions
in Alphabetical Order

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uhCloseGameCloses the given file descriptor
uhGLoadUses Partner to load and execute an N64 game
uhOpenGameOpens the given device special file and configures it to listen for game I/O events
uhPartnerCmdIssues the various types of commands that can be used with Partner
uhReadGameReads nbytes of data from the game and copy it to the memory region beginning at a specified address
uhReadRamromCopies nbytes of data from the ramrom memory beginning at a specified address
uhWriteGameCopies nbytes of data from the host (beginning at a specified address) to the game
uhWriteRamromWrites nbytes from data to the ramrom memory beginning at a specified address
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Copyright © 1998
Nintendo of America Inc.
All rights reserved.
Last updated March 1998