#include <PR/leo.h>
void LeoReset(void);
The LeoReset function interrupts the command being executed and clears the command queue. This function also stops the issuance of any subsequent commands to the leo manager.
LEO_ERROR_WAITING_NMI is sent as the error code for the interrupted command and the cleared commands, as well for any commands issued after the execution of LeoReset.
Note: Please be aware of the name change. LeoReset was previously called leoReset
LEO_ERROR_COMMAND_TERMINATED will be sent as an error message commands that are cleared.
Call this function whenever a PRE-NMI is detected. After this function is executed no asynchronous functions that are issued will be executed. This function was created exclusively for PRE-NMI. Please don't use it for any other purpose.
See Also
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Copyright © 1998
Nintendo of America Inc. All rights reserved Nintendo and N64 are registered trademarks of Nintendo
Last Updated April, 1999