N64® Disk Drive Functions
in Alphabetical Order

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LeoOverview of the N64® Disk Drive Functions
LeoBootGameExecutes a reboot
LeoByteToLBAConverts from byte to LBA
LeoCACreateLeoManagerCreates and starts the Leo Manager device driver system threads for America-based Game Paks that also use disks in the N64® Disk Drive.
LeoCJCreateLeoManagerCreates and starts the Leo Manager device driver system threads for Japan-based Game Paks that also use disks in the N64® Disk Drive.
LeoClearQueueClears the Leo Manager�s command queue
LeoCreateLeoManagerCreates and starts the Leo Manager device driver system threads for games that run exclusively from disks in the N64® Disk Drive; that is, they are not used in combination with a Game Pak.
LeoDriveExistChecks whether an N64 Disk Drive is connected
LeoGetAAdrGets the storage offset address (offset from the beginning of DDROM) for a specified ASCII character by linking to all of the tables related to ASCII characters
LeoGetAAdr2Gets the storage offset address (offset from the beginning of DDROM) for a specified ASCII character from the 32 bits of data compressed by the asccode tool
LeoGetKAdrGets the storage offset address (offset from the beginning of DDROM) for a specified Kanji character.
LeoInquiryInquires as to the version numbers of hardware and software for the N64® Disk Drive
LeoLBAToByteConverts from LBA to byte
LeoModeSelectHas been modified into an asynchronous function and renamed to LeoModeSelectAsync
LeoModeSelectAsyncAlters the N64® Disk Drive mode switching time; that is it provides a way to alter the wait-time specified for changes between active, standby, and sleep modes to meet the needs of the game.
LeoReadCapacityCalculates the N64® Disk Drive disk available region
LeoReadDiskIDAcquires the ID number written in the system region of the N64® Disk Drive disk.
LeoReadRTCReads the built-in real-time clock
LeoSetRTCSets the built-in real-time clock
LeoReadWriteReads and writes between RDRAM and the N64® Disk Drive
leoResetHas been renamed to LeoReset
LeoResetInhibits the issuing of new commands and clears the command queue.
LeoResetClearCancels the N64® Disk Drive reset state
LeoRezeroRecalibrates the drive by initializing several set values in the internal resistor and moving the head to LBA0
LeoSeekMoves the head of N64® Disk Drive to a specified position
LeoSpdlMotorControls the motor and the head position in the drive
LeoTestUnitReadyExamines whether or not the disk is inserted, the head is retracted, and the motor is on
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Copyright © 1998
Nintendo of America Inc.
All rights reserved.
Last updated March 1998