gDPScisFillRectangle [macro]
Renders a solid color rectangle in the screen coordinates.
#include <ultra64.h> /* gbi.h */
gDPScisFillRectangle(Gfx *gdl, s32 ulx, s32 uly, s32 lrx, s32 lry)
- gdl is the display list pointer.
- ulx is the left edge coordinates of rectangle (10-bit precision, -231-1023)
- uly is the top edge coordinates of rectangle (10-bit precision, -231-1023)
- lrx is the right edge coordinates of rectangle (10-bit precision, -231-1023)
- lry is the bottom edge coordinates of rectangle (10-bit precision, -231-1023)
Renders a scissored 2D rectangle using the fill color set in the RDP's blender (BL). Unlike gDPFillRectangle, this command can take negative values. However, any negative value that is input is corrected to 0.
This macro can only be used dynamically. There is no static version (i.e., there is no gsDPScisFillRectangle).
See Also
Revision History
2/1/99 Completely rewritten.
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Last Updated April, 1999