gDPSetHilite1Tile [macro]
Sets the texture parameters in the RDP for the rendering of a specular light.
#include <ultra64.h> /* gbi.h */
gDPSetHilite1Tile(Gfx *gdl, s32 tile, Hilite *hilite, s32 width, s32 height)
gsDPSetHilite1Tile(s32 tile, Hilite *hilite, s32 width, s32 height)
- gdl is the display list pointer.
- tile is the tile descriptor index (3-bit precision, 0~7).
- hilite is the address of texture offset structure for specular highlight.
- width is the width of texture for specular highlight (12-bit precision, -2048~2047 pixels).
- height is the height of texture for specular highlight (12-bit precision, -2048~2047 pixels).
Calls the gDPSetTileSize, passing the texture offset via the Hilite structure and the texture size via the width and height arguments. The "1" in the command name indicates it is the first specular highlight in the scene.
The Hilite structure is shown below:
typedef struct {
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
} Hilite_t;
typedef union {
Hilite_t h;
long int force_structure_alignment[4];
} Hilite;
The elements in this structure have the following meanings:
- x1, y1
- The x,y values of the texture offset for the first highlight (12-bit precision, -2048~2047 pixels).
- x2, y2
- The x,y values of the texture offset for the second highlight (12-bit precision, -2048~2047 pixels).
See Also
Revision History
2/1/99 Completely rewritten.
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Nintendo of America Inc. All rights reserved Nintendo and N64 are registered trademarks of Nintendo
Last Updated April, 1999