gSPObjSubMatrix [macro]
Sets the 2D matrix for a rotating sprite.
#include <ultra64.h> /* gs2dex.h */
gSPObjSubMatrix(Gfx *gdl, uObjSubMtx *mtx)
gsSPObjSubMatrix(uObjSubMtx *mtx)
- gdl is the pointer to the graphics display list.
- mtx is the pointer to the 2D matrix structure
Loads the 2D matrix parameters of the uObjSubMtx structure into the 2D matrix area in the RSP. The uObjSubMtx structure is a subset of the uObjMtx structure. It holds the 2D matrix elements {X, Y, BaseScaleX, BaseScaleY} used by g*SPObjRectangleR. This macro is used primarily in concert with g*SPObjRectangleR.
The uObjSubMtx structure is shown below:
typedef struct {
s16 X, Y; /* s10.2 */
u16 BaseScaleX; /* u5.10 */
u16 BaseScaleY; /* u5.10 */
} uObjSubMtx_t;
typedef union {
uObjSubMtx_t m;
long long int force_structure_alignment;
} uObjSubMtx;
This macro only changes the 2D matrix parameters that are member variables of the uObjSubMtx structure {X, Y, BaseScaleX, BaseScaleY}. It has no effect on the values of the other parameters {A, B, C, D}.
See Also
Revision History
2/1/1999 Completely rewritten
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Copyright © 1998-1999
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Last updated March 1999