#include <ultra64.h> /* os.h */
s32 osContReset(OSMesgQueue *mq, OSContStatus *status);
osContReset resets all the direct SI devices that are connected to the controller ports. Specifically, it sets the current positon of 3D stick of a standard controller back to the nuetral position. If it's a voice recognition system, osContReset resets the parameters set by the initialization functions back to the default values.
"mq" is the message queue for initialized messages associated with OS_EVENT_SI events. Please see osSetEventMesg() to learn how to make this association.
SI device type and status are returned to status. You must supply a memory block large enough for MAXCONTROLLER structures of type osContStatus. Regarding the osContSetCh() function, it is fine to set the number of direct-type SI devices to be used, to a value less than the value set for MAXCONTROLLERS, if the number of direct-type devices used will not be changed in the future. Please see osContInit() for details on OSContStatus structure.
typedef struct {
u16 type; /* The type of SI device inserted in the controller port */
u8 status; /* The status of the joyport */
u8 errno; /* Error from the SI device */
This function is utilized at the time of SI device development, and is not normally required when creating applications.
See Also
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Copyright © 1998
Nintendo of America Inc. All rights reserved Nintendo and N64 are registered trademarks of Nintendo
Last updated March 1998