al - Audio Library Functions gDP - DP GBI Macros gdSP - General GBI Macros gSP - SP GBI Macros gt - Turbo Microcode RDP gu - Graphics Utilities Math - Math Functions nuSys - NuSystem os - N64 Operating System sp - Sprite Library Functions uh - Host to Target IO 64DD - N64 Disk Drive
#include <ultra64.h> This function differs from the osMemSize global variable in that this function confirms the existence of the Memory Pak by actually writing data in part of the extended area. To confirm the presence of a Memory Pak, be sure to use osGetMemSize(). This function destroys the expansion area (0x8040_0000 - 0x807f_ffff) but does not destroy the original 4 MB N64 area (0x8000_0000 - 0x803f_ffff). The expansion area should not be used until osGetMemSize()is used to confirm that a Memory Pak is present. See Also osGlobals