N64® Functions Menu

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Mus - Mus Library
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Nintendo® Confidential

Mus Library Reference


Get the number of sound effects in a sound effect bank.


  int MusFxBankNumberOfEffects(void *ifxbank);


  • ifxbank is the address of an initialized sound effect bank

Get the number of sound effects stored in the specified initialized sound effect bank. When starting sound effects using a sound effect bank, the valid range is 0 to MusFxBankNumberOfEffects() -1 inclusive.

The ifxbank must contain the address of a sound effect bank initialized with the MusFxBankInitialize() function.

Return Value
Number of sound effects in the specified sound effect bank.


  musHandle AudioStartEffect(void *fxbank, int number)
    musHandle handle;

    if (number>=MusFxBankNumberOfEffects(fxbank))
      return (0); /* failure! */
    handle = MusStartEffect(number);
    return (handle);

See Also

Nintendo® Confidential

Warning: all information in this document is confidential and covered by a non-disclosure agreement. You are responsible for keeping this information confidential and protected. Nintendo will vigorously enforce this responsibility.

Copyright © 1998-1999
Nintendo of America Inc. All rights reserved
Nintendo and N64 are registered trademarks of Nintendo
Last updated March 1999