Mus Library Reference

Nintendo® Confidential

Mus Library Reference

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How to Use the Library
MusInitializeInitialize the music player and audio manager.
MusSetMasterVolumeSet the master volume levels.
MusSetFxTypeSet the audio library FX type.
MusSetSongFxChangeSet the audio library FX song change flag.
MusSetSchedulerConfigure the library to use an external scheduler.

Starting Songs and Effects
MusStartSongStart a song.
MusStartSongFromMarkerStart a song from a marker.
MusStartEffectStart a sound effect.
MusStartEffect2Start a sound effect, with parameters.

MusAskDetermine the number of active channels.
MusStopStop channels.
MusSetMarkerCallbackSet the marker callback function.

Sound Handle
MusHandleAskDetermine the number of active channels using a sound handle.
MusHandleStopStop channels using a sound handle.
MusHandleSetVolumeSet the volume scale value using a sound handle.
MusHandleSetPanSet the pan scale value using a sound handle.
MusHandleSetFreqOffsetSet the frequency offset value using a sound handle.
MusHandleSetReverbSet the reverb offset value using a sound handle.
MusHandleSetTempoSet the tempo scale value using a sound handle.
MusHandlePausePause channels using a sound handle.
MusHandleUnPauseResume channels using a sound handle.
MusHandleGetPtrBankGet sample bank address.
MusHandleWaveAddressGet the wave lookup table address.
MusHandleWaveCountGet the wave lookup table count.

Sample Bank
MusPtrBankInitializeInitialize a sample bank.
MusPtrBankGetCurrentGet the default sample bank.
MusPtrBankSetCurrentSet the default sample bank.
MusPtrBankSetSingleSet sample bank single use override.

Sound Effect Bank
MusFxBankInitializeInitialize a sound effect bank.
MusFxBankNumberOfEffectsGet the number of sound effects in a sound effect bank.
MusFxBankGetPtrBankGet sound effect bank sample bank override.
MusFxBankSetPtrBankSet sound effect bank sample bank override.
MusFxBankGetCurrentGet default sound effect bank.
MusFxBankSetCurrentSet default sound effect bank.
MusFxBankSetSingleSet sound effect bank single use override.
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Copyright © 1998-1999
Nintendo of America Inc.
All rights reserved.
Last updated March 1999