al - Audio Library Functions gDP - DP GBI Macros gdSP - General GBI Macros gSP - SP GBI Macros gt - Turbo Microcode RDP gu - Graphics Utilities Math - Math Functions Mus - Mus Library nuSys - NuSystem os - N64 Operating System sp - Sprite Library Functions uh - Host to Target IO 64DD - N64 Disk Drive
MusStartSongFromMarker()Start a song from a marker. Syntax musHandle MusStartSongFromMarker(void *addr, int marker); Arguments
The address of the song supplied in addr must be 32-bit aligned. The marker value must be in the range 0 to 255 and be located in the specified song. If the marker is not found in the specified song, this function may not return and will have unpredictable results. When this function is called for a new song, the song data is modified to reflect the song's base address (a list of offsets inside the song data are converted to pointers), Therefore to move this song to a new address, the original data must be reacquired. Return Value
Example void GameSongCallback(musHandle handle, int marker) { if (handle==gamesong_handle) gamesong_position = marker; } void GameSongStart(void) { gamesong_position = 0; gamesong_handle = MusStartSongFromMarker(&song_data, 1); MusSetMarkerCallback(GameSongCallback); } See Also