al - Audio Library Functions gDP - DP GBI Macros gdSP - General GBI Macros gSP - SP GBI Macros gt - Turbo Microcode RDP gu - Graphics Utilities Math - Math Functions nuSys - NuSystem os - N64 Operating System sp - Sprite Library Functions uh - Host to Target IO 64DD - N64 Disk Drive
Syntax int uhReadGame(int fd, void *addr, int nbytes); int uhReadRamRom(int fd,void *ramrom_addr,void *local_addr,int nbytes); int uhCloseGame(int fd); For information on PARTNER functions, see uhPatnerCmd.
Return Value
The uhOpenGame routine performs initialization that allows communication events to be received by the specified device (e.g., "/dev/u64_data","PARTNER-N64"). It returns a handler that enables the device to be operated. If the device is successfully opened, the handler returned by uhOpenGame is passed to uhReadGame, uhWriteGame,uhReadRamrom, uhWriteRamrom, and uhCloseGame. The uhReadGame routine attempts to read nbytes of data from the game and copy it to the memory region beginning at addr. For correct operation, it should be paired from the game side with a osWriteHost with exactly the same number of bytes. The uhWriteGame routine attempts to copy nbytes of data from the host beginning at addr to the game.When both sides have correctly made the corresponding procedure call, the transfer will take place and the blocking side will proceed. If the read is attempted from the host side before the game has executed the write, the host process will block. Conversely, if the write is attempted from the game side before the host has executed a read, the game thread will block. The uhReadRamrom routine attempts to copy nbytes of data from the ramrom memory, beginning at ramrom_addr. The uhWriteRamrom routine attempts to write nbytes from data to the ramrom memory beginning at ramrom_addr. The uhCloseGame procedure can be used if desired to close the given file descriptor. These routines are provided by the NINTENDO 64 host communication library (e.g., libultrahost.a). Using them requires a makefile entry that links these libraries (e.g., -lultrahost). When using PARTNER, PARTNER must have been started when the host application is executed.
Example main(int argc, char **argv) /* Host side code */ { pid_t pid; int fd, status; if ((fd = uhOpenGame("/dev/u64_data")) == -1) { perror("uhOpenGame"); return(-1); } if ((pid = fork()) == -1) { perror("fork"); return(-1); } else if (pid == 0) { (void)execl("/usr/sbin/gload", "/usr/sbin/gload", 0); fprintf(stderr, "host: execl(\"gload\") failed\n"); return(-1); } if (uhReadGame(fd, hostBuffer, 4) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "uhReadGame %s\n", sys_errlist[errno]); return(1); } if (uhCloseGame(fd) != 0) { perror("uhCloseGame"); return(-1); } if (waitpid(pid, &status, WUNTRACED) == -1) { perror("waitpid"); return(-1); } } mainproc(void *arg) /* Game side code */ { osWriteHost(gameBuffer, 4); osExit(); }
See Also