al - Audio Library Functions gDP - DP GBI Macros gdSP - General GBI Macros gSP - SP GBI Macros gt - Turbo Microcode RDP gu - Graphics Utilities Math - Math Functions nuSys - NuSystem os - N64 Operating System sp - Sprite Library Functions uh - Host to Target IO 64DD - N64 Disk Drive
gDPScisFillRectangleFormat#include "gbi.h" gDPiScisFillRectangle(Gfx *gdl, unsigned int ulx, unsigned int uly, unsigned int lrx, unsigned int lry)Arguments
These macros render a solid-color 2D rectangle using the current fill color in the blender. The filled rectangle is inclusive of the coordinates specified when rendered in fill or copy mode. For example, ulx=0 and lrx=19 will fill 20 columns of pixels in fill or copy mode. The rectangle does not include the bottom and right edges when rendered in one- or two-cycle mode. For example, ulx=0 and lrx=19 fill 19 columns in one- or two-cycle mode. Copy mode is intended for rendering using the gSPTextureRectangle macro. Rendering a gDPFillRectangle in copy mode gives unpredictable results. To set the cycle type see gDPSetCycleType. One of these macros is typically used to clear the screen and initialize the color buffer or the depth (Z) buffer. Notes Keep the following in mind when using these macros:
There is an unusual restriction regarding rectangles. Primitives that fill the entire screen obviously take maximum time in the RDP to render. Because rectangle primitives are so compact in the display list (1 or 2 64-bit words compared with dozens of words for complex triangles), it is possible to fill the internal FIFO between RSP and the RDP with a series of primitives that will take a very long time to render. While the RDP is busy rendering these primitives, the RSP and CPU will not be able to get the attention of the RDP to request a freeze or a yield in order to process any higher priority tasks (such as audio) at vertical retrace time. This can only happen with rectangles; triangles that fill the entire screen cannot fit in the internal FIFO in large enough quantity to lock out the CPU and the RSP. In a practical sense, if you are using a typical frame-scheduling algorithm that processes audio every vertical retrace (1/60) of a second, you should not send more than 8 or 9 consecutive full-screen rectangle primitives to the RDP. Non-full-screen rectangles, or non-consecutive rectangle commands (with several other commands or no-ops in between) will be fine, assuming the entire frame-rendering time does not exceed 1/60th of a second, and/or your scheduling algorithm can handle this case (such as 'yield'). This situation is relatively contrived, and can be worked around, so it is possible to live with this restriction in order to retain the benefits of the non-asynchronous interruptability of the RCP. See Also gDPSetFillColor gDPSetScissor gSPTextureRectangle gDPSetCycleType