Graphics Utility Functions
in Alphabetical Order

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guAlignReturns a fixed-point modeling matrix that can be used to align the model with a vector, plus a rotation around that vector
guAlignFReturns a floating-point modeling matrix that can be used to align the model with a vector, plus a rotation around that vector
guDPLoadTextureTileOld function that does what the gDPLoadTextureTile macro now does
guDumpGbiDLNO LONGER SUPPORTED - it has been combined into the guParseGbiDL function
guFrustumComputes a 4x4 fixed-point perspective projection matrix
guFrustumFComputes a 4x4 floating-point perspective projection matrix
guGetDPLoadTextureTileSzOld function that indicates how many words will be added to the display list by the guDPLoadTextureTile function
guLoadTextureBlockMipMapComputes a mipmap pyramid from a source texture array and returns a display list for loading and rendering the mipmapped texture
guLookAtComputes and returns a fixed-point 4x4 'lookat' viewing matrix
guLookAtFComputes and returns a floating-point 4x4 'lookat' viewing matrix
guLookAtHiliteComputes a fixed-point 4x4 'lookat' viewing matrix, sets up the LookAt structure for reflection mapping or specular hilite rendering, and computes texture offsets of two specular highlights (in the Hilite structure)
guLookAtHiliteFComputes a floating-point 4x4 'lookat' viewing matrix, sets up the LookAt structure for reflection mapping or specular hilite rendering, and computes texture offsets of two specular highlights (in the Hilite structure)
guLookAtReflectComputes and returns a fixed-point 4x4 viewing matrix and sets up the LookAt structures with values for performing reflection mapping
guLookAtReflectFComputes and returns a floating-point 4x4 viewing matrix and sets up the LookAt structures with values for performing reflection mapping
guLookAtStereoReturns a fixed-point 4x4 matrix (m) that can be used for one view of a stereographic projection
guLookAtStereoFReturns a floating-point 4x4 matrix (m) that can be used for one view of a stereographic projection
guMtxCatFConcatenates two 4x4 floating-point matrices
guMtxCatLConcatenates two 4x4 fixed-point matrices
guMtxF2LConverts a 4x4 floating-point matrix to a fixed-point matrix
guMtxIdentReturns a fixed-point 4x4 identity matrix
guMtxIdentFReturns a floating-point 4x4 identity matrix
guMtxL2FConverts a 4x4 fixed-point matrix to a floating-point matrix
guMtxXFMFTransforms a single point by a 4x4 floating-point matrix
guMtxXFMLTransforms a single point by a 4x4 fixed-point matrix
guNormalizeNormalizes a 3D vector
guOrthoComputes and returns an orthographic 4x4 fixed-point projection matrix for an orthographic parallel viewing volume
guOrthoFComputes and returns an orthographic 4x4 floating-point projection matrix for an orthographic parallel viewing volume
guParseGbiDLPrints a GBI display list in human readable format
guParseRdpDLPrints low-level display lists in human readable format
guPerspectiveComputes and returns a 4x4 fixed-point perspective projection matrix and returns a number to use with the gSPPerspNormalize function
guPerspectiveFComputes and returns a 4x4 floating-point perspective projection matrix and returns a number to use with the gSPPerspNormalize function
guPositionComputes and returns a 4x4 fixed-point modeling matrix that locates an object at a specified position with a specified orientation
guPositionFComputes and returns a 4x4 floating-point modeling matrix that locates an object at a specified position with a specified orientation
guPosLightSimulates a positional light source by calculating a light structure for a single positional light without calculating specular hilite related values
guPosLightHiliteSimulates a positional light source by calculating a light structure for two positional lights and their hilite and lookat value for rendering specular highlights
guRandomReturns a pseudo-random integer in the range of -2147483647 to 2147483647
guRotateComputes and returns a fixed-point 4x4 rotational modeling matrix by working with guRotateRPY
guRotateFComputes and returns a floating-point 4x4 rotational modeling matrix by woring with guRotateRPYF
guRotateRPYComputes and returns a fixed-point 4x4 rotational modeling matrix by working with guRotate
guRotateRPYFComputes and returns a floating-point 4x4 rotational modeling matrix by woring with guRotateF
guS2DEmuGBgRect1CycUses the CPU to emulate the action of the S2DEX microcode macro gSPBgRect1Cyc
guS2DEmuSetScissorSets the scissoring parameters and texture filter referenced by the guS2DEmuBgRect1Cyc function. It is one of the two emulation functions that come with the S2DEX microcode that you can use to have the CPU emulate the S2DEX microcode
guS2DInitBgInitializes the S2DEX microcode's uObjBg structure (uObjBg_t)
guScaleComputes and returns a fixed-point, scaling modeling, 4x4 matrix
guScaleFComputes and returns a floating-point, scaling modeling, 4x4 matrix
guSprite2DInitInitializes a sprite data structure for subsequent use by microcode
guTranslateComputes and returns a translation modeling fixed-point 4x4 matrix
guTranslateFComputes and returns a translation modeling floating-point 4x4 matrix
RANDReturns a pseudo-random integer in the range of -2147483647 to 2147483647
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Copyright © 1998
Nintendo of America Inc.
All rights reserved.
Last updated January 1998