NuSystem Functions
in Alphabetical Order

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NuSystem Standard FunctionsShows an index of all the NuSystem standard functions
nuAuInitInitializes the Audio Manager, and activates two sequence players and one sound player. It also registers the default function called when a PRE-NMI event is generated
nuAuMgrInitInitializes the Audio Manager. Also initializes and activates the synthesizer driver
nuAuPreNMIFuncRemoveRemoves the PRE-NMI process callback function
nuAuPreNMIFuncSetRegisters the PRE-NMI process callback function
nuAuSeqPlayerBankSetEnters a bank in the sequence player.
nuAuSeqPlayerFadeOutFades out the sequence being played by the player specified by the sequence player number.
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlFXMixGets the effects mix value of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlPanGets the pan value of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlPriorityGets the priority level of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlProgramGets the program number of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlVolGets the volume of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerGetSeqnoGets the sequence number set for the player specified by sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerGetStateGets the state of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerGetTempoReturns the tempo of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerGetVolReturns the volume of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerInitInitializes the sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerPlaySpecifies the number of the player who will play back the sequence assigned by a nuAuSeqPlayerSetNo function
nuAuSeqPlayerSendMidiSends a MIDI message to the player specified by the sequence player number. For details see the alSeqpSendMidi function in the N64 Fuctions Reference
nuAuSeqPlayerSeqSetSets the ROM address of the MIDI sequence bank data in the sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlFXMixSets the effects mix value of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlPanSets the pan value of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number.
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlPrioritySets the priority level of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlProgramAssigns program number to the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlVolSets the volume of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerSetNoSets the sequence number in the player specified by the sequence player number. It reads an arbitrary MIDI sequence from within the MIDI sequence bank in the sequence player buffer
nuAuSeqPlayerSetTempoSets the sequence tempo of the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerSetVolSets the overall volume of sequence for the player specified by the sequence player number
nuAuSeqPlayerStopStops the player with the specified sequence player number
nuAuSndPlayerBankSetEnters the bank in the sound player. The bank controls data and bank table data using the .ct1 and .tbl files made with the ic command
nuAuSndPlayerGetStateGets the current playback state of a sound.
nuAuSndPlayerInitInitializes the sound player.
nuAuSndPlayerPlayPlays the sound specified by the sound number
nuAuSndPlayerSetFXMixSets the effects mix of the sound in the sound player
nuAuSndPlayerSetPanSets the pan value of the sound in the sound player
nuAuSndPlayerSetPitchSets the pitch of the sound in the sound player
nuAuSndPlayerSetPrioritySets the priority level of the sound in the sound player
nuAuSndPlayerSetSoundSpecifies the sound of sound player. Used when specifying sound stop and effect values
nuAuSndPlayerSetVolSets the volume of the sound in the sound player
nuAuSndPlayerStopStops the playback of sound.
nuAuStlBankSetRegisters the sound bank in the player
NuAuStlInitInitializes audio and activates the sequence player and sound player. It also sets 512K bytes under the frame buffer for the audio heap
NuAuStlMgrInitInitializes the Audio Manager, and it initializes and activates the synthesizer driver
nuAuStlPlayerInitInitializes the player
nuAuStlSeqPlayerGetSeqStateReturns the channel number being used by the sequence specified by the sequence handler
nuAuStlSeqPlayerGetStateReturns the channel number being used by the sequence player
nuAuStlSeqPlayerPlayPlays a sequence. It can also change the parameters of a sequence using the returned sequence handler
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSeqStopStops the performance of sequence specified by the sequence handler
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetDataReads MIDI sequence data into the sequence player buffer
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetMasterVolSets the overall sequence player volume
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetSeqPanSets the pan value of the sequence specified by the sequence handler
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetSeqTempoChanges the tempo of the sequence specified by the sequence handler
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetSeqVolSets the volume of the sequence specified by the sequence handler
nuAuStlSeqPlayerStopStops the entire sequence performance
nuAuStlSndPlayerGetSndStateReturns the number of channels currently being used
nuAuStlSndPlayerGetStateReturns the number of channels currently in use by the sound player
nuAuStlSndPlayerMasterVolSets the overall sound player volume
nuAuStlSndPlayerPlayPlays the sound specified by sound number. It can also change the parameters of the sound using the returned sound handler
nuAuStlSndPlayerPlay2Plays the sound specified by sound number. It can also change the parameters of the sound using the returned sound handler
nuAuStlSndPlayerSetSndPanSets the pan value of the sound specified by the sound handler
nuAuStlSndPlayerSetSndVolSets the volume of the sound specified by the sound handler
nuAuStlSndPlayerSndPitchSets the pitch value of the sound specified by the sound handler
nuAuStlSndPlayerSndStopStops the sound specified by the sound handler
nuAuStlSnsPlayerStopStops all sounds
nuContDataThe Controller data fetched by the Controller Manager.
nuContDataGetGets the Controller data by copying it from the internal buffer. To get the data from four Controllers use the nuContDataGetAll function
nuContDataGetAllGets the data from all four Controllers
nuContDataGetExGets Controller data and stores it in contdata
nuContDataGetExAllGets Controller data from all four Controllers
nuContDataLockLocks the Controller data so it cannot be updated by the Controller Manager
nuContDataReadReads the Controller data
nuContDataReadStartStarts to read Controller data. The read is not synchronized, so it is quickly returned, unlike with the nuContDataRead function
nuContDataReadWaitWaits for the end of the reading of Controller data that was begun with the nuContDataReadStart function. It can also be used to wait for the Controller Manager to finish reading Controller data at the time of a retrace
nuContDataUnLockRemoves the lock set on the Controller data
nuContInitInitializes the Controller as well as the Controller Pak
nuContMgrInitInitializes and activates the Controller Manager
nuContNumThe number of the connected Controllers
nuContPakCodeSetRegisters in the Controller Manager the company code and game code found among the attributes in the Controller Pak's game note
nuContPakFileDeleteDeletes the game note in the Controller Pak
nuContPakFileDeleteJisDeletes Controller Pak game note. This function is the same as nuContPakFileDelete, except it can specify names and extensions with JIS code
nuContPakFileFindSearches to see if the specified game note exists in the Controller Pak. It is a macro of the nuContPakFileOpen function
nuContPakFileFindJisSearches for game note like nuContPakFileFind, except it can specify game note names and extensions with JIS code
nuContPakFileNumGets the number of notes being used in the Controller Pak and the maximum number of notes
nuContPakFileOpenOpens the Controller Pak game note
nuContPakFileOpenJisOpens the Controller Pak game note as does the nuContPakFileOpen function, except this function can specify game note names and extensions with JIS code
nuContPakFileReadReads the Controller Pak data. It is a macro of the nuContPakFileReadWrite function
nuContPakFileReadWriteReads or writes to game data of the Controller Pak's game note
nuContPakFileReSizeChanges the size (capacity) of the Controller Pak game note
nuContPakFileReSizeJisChanges the size of the Controller Pak game note. Like nuContPakFileReSize except it can specify game note names and extensions with JIS code
nuContPakFileStateGets Controller Pak game note information
nuContPakFileWriteWrites data to the Controller Pak. It is a macro of the nuContPakFileReadWrite function
nuContPakFuncRemoveRemoves the Controller Pak Manager callback function by removing the Controller Pak Manager from the Controller Manager
nuContPakFuncSetRegisters the Controller Pak Manager's callback function in the Controller Manager. Use nuContPakFuncRemove to remove it
nuContPakGetFreeGets the free space in bytes in the Controller Pak
nuContPakJisToN64Converts JIS code into N64 font code
nuContPakMgrInitRegisters the Controller Pak Manager in the Controller Manager
nuContPakN64ToJisConverts N64 font code into JIS code
nuContPakOpenChecks to see whether the Controller Pak or Rumble Pak is inserted. If the Controller Pak is inserted, it initializes a file to gain access to the Controller Pak
nuContQueryReadGets the Controller status. Note that it takes around 2 ms to get the Controller status, so this is a performance hit
nuContReadFuncRemoveRemoves the callback function that the Controller Manager would otherwise execute after the Controller data has been read at the time of a retrace
nuContReadFuncSetRegisters the callback function that will be executed after the Controller data has been read at the time of a retrace. As the default, nothing is entered
nuContRmbCheckChecks the Rumble Pak to see if the Rumble Pak is inserted and if so, it enables control over the Rumble Pak. Unlike nuContPakOpen, this function does not check to see if the Controller Pak is inserted.
nuContRmbCt1The structure used by the Rumble Pak Manager to control the Pak.
nuContRmbForceStopForces the Rumble Pak to stop
nuContRmbForceStopEndRemoves the Rumble Pak forced stop so it can operate again.
nuContRmbFuncRemoveRemoves the Rumble Pak Manager callback function to remove the Rumble Pak Manager from the Controller Manager. It is a macro of the nuContRmbFuncSet function
nuContRmbFuncSetRegisters the Rumble Pak Manager callback function, which registers the Rumble Pak Manager in the Controller Manager
nuContRmbInitInitializes the Rumble Pak Manager by initializing the Rumble Pak control structure and registering the Rumble Pak Manager in the Controller Manager
nuContRmbModeSetSets the operation mode of the Rumble Pak
nuContRmbSearchTimeThe time interval between automatic recognition checks for the Rumble Pak. To change this value use the nuContRmbSearchTimeSet function
nuContRmbSearchTimeSetSets the interval of time (in units of frames) between checks to see if the Rumble Pak is inserted when NU_CONT_RMB_MODE_AUTO is specified in the nuContRmbModeSet function
nuContRmbStartInitiates the Rumble Pak
nuContStatusThe structure that shows the status of the Controller. Calling the nuContMgrInit and nuContQueryRead functions updates the contents of this structure.
nuDebConClearClears the buffer of the console window specified by wndNo
nuDebConCPutsSends the character string 's' to the console specified by wndNo. Unlike nuDebConPuts, this function does not replace the end-of-string null character ('\0') with the new-line character ('\n')
nuDebConDispDisplays the console output on the screen in ASCII characters
nuDebConPutcSends the character 'c' to the console specified by wndNo.
nuDebConPutsSends the character string 's' to the console specified by wndNo. The end-of-string null character ('\0') is replaced with the new-line character ('\n'). It is a macro of nuDebConCPuts
nuDebConScrollTurns the console window scroll on or off. Use it to specify whether to scroll at the end character of the bottom-most line
nuDebConTextColorChanges the color of the text output to the console window.
nuDebConWindowSetSets the display position and size of the console window. The initial settings are an upper-left coordinate of (0,0) and a size of 40 columns and 30 lines
nuDebConWindowShowSets the console window to be displayed or not. Turning the console window off speeds up console display processes
nuDebConWindowSizeSets the display size of the console window. The initial settings are 40 columns and 30 lines
nuDebConWindowsPosSets the display position of the console window. The initial settings are (0,0) for the upper-left coordinate
nuDebTaskPerfBar0Displays a (type 0) performance barometer for a graphics task as well as for an audio task. This function internally sets the RDP, creates the display list, and activates the graphics task
nuDebTaskPerfBar1Displays a (type 1) performance barometer for a graphics task as well as for an audio task. This function internally creates the display list and activates the graphics task
nuDebTextAttrSets the text attribute. Only a single attribute (blinking) can be set
nuGfxCfbPointer to the frame buffer pointer array. Set from your application with the nuGfxSetCfb function
nuGfxCfb_ptrPointer to the frame buffer for the graphics task graphic
nuGfxCFbNumThe number of the frame buffer for the graphics task graphic. Set it from your application with the nuGfxSetCfb function
nuGfxDisplayFlag to display or not display a graphic. Set it from your application with the nuGfxDisplayOn and nuGfxDisplayOff functions
nuGfxDisplayOffBlacks out the picture. The picture is displayed using the nuGfxDisplayOn function
nuGfxDisplayOnDisplays the picture, timed to the next frame buffer swap
nuGfxFuncRemoveRemoves the callback function registered in the graphics thread. It is a macro of the nuGfxFuncSet function
nuGfxFuncSetRegisters the callback function that will be executed in sync with the retrace in the graphics thread
nuGfxGfxTaskAllEndWaitWaits for the end of a graphics task
nuGfxInitInitializes and activates the graphics thread and Graphics Task Manager
nuGfxPreNMIFuncRemoveRemoves the callback function registered in the graphics thread
nuGfxPreNMIFuncSetRegisters in the graphics thread a callback function that is executed by a PRE-NMI event message
nuGfxRetraceWaitWaits for the number of retrace events specified by retrace_num
nuGfxSetCfbRegisters the frame buffers
nuGfxSetUcodeRegisters the graphics microcode by entering the graphics microcode structure array in the Graphics Task Manager
nuGfxSetZBufferRegisters the Z buffer. By default, the nuGfxInit function sets the Z buffer at 0x800004000
nuGfxSwapCfbRegisters the frame buffer indicated by the next retrace
nuGfxSwapCfbFuncRemoveRemoves the callback function executed when a graphics task is completed. It is a macro of the nuGfxSwapCfbFuncSet function which registered the callback function
nuGfxSwapCfbFuncSetRegisters the callback function for execution at the end of a graphics task and before the frame buffer is swapped
nuGfxTaskEndFuncRemoveRemoves the callback function that is executed at the end of the graphics task. It is a macro of the nuGfxTaskEndFuncSet function, which registered the callback function
nuGfxTaskEndFuncSetRegisters the callback function for execution at the end of a graphics task
nuGfxTaskMgrInitInitializes and activates the Graphics Task Manager. This function is called from within nuGfxInit
nuGfxTaskSpoolThe number of graphics tasks that have not been executed or are still being executed yet
nuGfxTaskStartActivates a graphics task
nuGfxUcodePointer to the graphics microcode structure. Set from your application with the nuGfxSetUcode function
nuGfxZBufferPointer to the Z buffer. Set it from your application with the nuGfxSetZBuffer function
nuPiInitInitializes the PI so DMA transfers of data are possible from a game Pak that uses the PI
nuPiRomReadReads data from ROM. DMA transfers data to RDRAM from a game Pak that uses the PI
nuPreNMIFuncRemoveRemoves the PRE-NMI event callback function
nuPreNMIFuncSetRegisters the callback function for a PRE-NMI event
nuScAddClientRegisters Scheduler clients
nuScCreateSchedulerInitializes and activates the Scheduler
nuScGetAudioMQGets the pointer to the audio task thread message queue
nuScGetGfxMQGets the pointer to the graphics task thread message queue
nuScRemoveClientRemoves the client that has been registered in the Scheduler
nuScRetraceCounterRetrace counter used by the system event handler thread
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Copyright © 1998
Nintendo of America Inc.
All rights reserved.
Last updated January 1998