abs | Returns the absolute value of a specified argument |
acos | Returns the arc cosine of a specified double argument |
acosf | Returns the arc cosine of a specified floating point argument |
alAudioFrame | Creates an audio command list for one frame |
alBnkfNew | Initializes a bank file for use on the Nintendo 64 |
alCents2Ratio | Converts an s32 cents value to a f32 ratio |
alClose | Shuts down the Ultra 64 Audio Library |
alCSeq | Nintendo 64 Compressed MIDI sequence routines |
alCSeqGetLoc | Initializes a marker with the current sequence location for use with the compressed MIDI sequence player |
alCSeqGetTicks | Returns the number of MIDI clock ticks of the compressed MIDI sequence location |
alCSeqNew | Initializes an Ultra 64 compressed MIDI sequence structure |
alCSeqNewMarker | Initializes a sequence marker at a given location for use with the compressed MIDI sequence player |
alCSeqNextEvent | Returns the next MIDI event from the compressed MIDI sequence |
alCSeqPlayer | Nintendo 64 Compressed MIDI sequence player routines |
alCSeqSecToTicks | Converts from seconds to MIDI clock ticks |
alCSeqSetLoc | Sets the current sequence location within the compressed MIDI sequence |
alCSeqTicksToSec | Converts from MIDI clock ticks to seconds |
alCSPDelete | Deallocates a MIDI sequence player |
alCSPGetChannelPriority | Has been renamed alCSPGetChlPriority |
alCSPGetChlFXMix | Returns the effect mix for the given MIDI channel |
alCSPGetChlPan | Returns the pan position for the given MIDI channel |
alCSPGetChlPriority | Returns the priority for the given MIDI channel |
alCSPGetChlProgram | Returns the MIDI program number assigned to a MIDI channel |
alCSPGetChlVol | Returns the volume for the given MIDI channel |
alCSPGetFXMix | Has been renamed alCSPGetChlFXMix |
alCSPGetPan | Has been renamed alCSPGetChlPan |
alCSPGetProgram | Has been renamed alCSPGetChlProgram |
alCSPGetSeq | Returns the sequence currently assigned to the compressed MIDI sequence player |
alCSPGetTempo | Returns the tempo of the current sequence. |
alCSPGetTime | Has been removed from the library and is no longer supported |
alCSPGetVol | Returns the overall sequence volume |
alCSPNew | Initializes a compressed MIDI sequence player |
alCSPPlay | Starts the target sequence playing. |
alCSPSendMidi | Sends the given MIDI message to the compressed sequence player |
alCSPSetBank | Specifies the instrument bank for the sequence player to use. |
alCSPSetChannelPriority | Has been renamed alCSPSetChlPriority |
alCSPSetChlFXMix | Sets the effect mix on the given MIDI channel |
alCSPSetChlPan | Sets the pan position for the given MIDI channel |
alCSPSetChlPriority | Sets the priority for the given MIDI channel |
alCSPSetChlProgram | Assigns a MIDI program to a MIDI channel |
alCSPSetChlVol | Sets the volume for the given MIDI channel |
alCSPSetFXMix | Has been renamed alCSPSetChlFXMix |
alCSPSetPan | Has been renamed alCSPSetChlPan |
alCSPSetProgram | Has been renamed alCSPSetChlProgram |
alCSPSetSeq | Sets the compressed MIDI sequence player's target sequence |
alCSPSetTempo | Specifies the tempo for the sequence player to use |
alCSPSetTime | Has been removed from the audio library and is no longer supported |
alCSPSetVol | Sets the overall sequence volume |
alCSPStop | Stops the target compressed MIDI sequence |
alHeapAlloc | Allocates memory from an Nintendo 64 audio heap |
alHeapCheck | Checks the consistency of an Ultra 64 audio heap |
alHeapInit | Initializes an audio heap for use with the Nintendo 64 Audio Library |
alInit | Initializes the Ultra 64 Audio Library |
alParseAbiCL | Prints an ABI (audio binary interface) command list in human readable format |
alSeq | Nintendo 64 MIDI sequence routines |
alSeqFileNew | Initializes a Sequence Bank File for use on the Ultra 64 |
alSeqGetLoc | Initializes a marker with the current sequence location |
alSeqGetTicks | Returns the number of MIDI clock ticks of the sequence location |
alSeqNew | Initializes an Ultra 64 MIDI sequence structure |
alSeqNewMarker | Initializes a sequence marker at a given location |
alSeqNextEvent | Returns the next MIDI event in the sequence |
alSeqpDelete | Deallocates a MIDI sequence player |
alSeqpGetChannelPriority | Has been renamed alSeqpGetChlPriority |
alSeqpGetChlFXMix | Returns the effect mix for the given MIDI channel |
alSeqpGetChlPan | Returns the pan position for the given MIDI channel |
alSeqpGetChlPriority | Returns the priority for the given MIDI channel. |
alSeqpGetChlProgram | Returns the MIDI program number assigned to a MIDI |
alSeqpGetChlVol | Returns the volume for the given MIDI channel |
alSeqpGetFXMix | Has been renamed alSeqpGetChlFXMix |
alSeqpGetPan | Has been renamed alSeqpGetChlPan |
alSeqpGetProgram | Has been renamed to alSeqpGetChlProgram |
alSeqpGetSeq | Returns the sequence currently assigned to the ALSeqPlayer |
alSeqpGetTempo | Returns the tempo of the current sequence |
alSeqpGetTime | Has been removed from the audio library and is no longer supported |
alSeqpGetVol | Returns the overall sequence volume. |
alSeqPlayer | Nintendo 64 MIDI sequence player routines |
alSeqpLoop | Sets sequence loop points |
alSeqpNew | Initializes a Type 0 MIDI sequence player |
alSeqpPlay | Starts the target sequence playing |
alSeqpSendMidi | Sends the given MIDI message to the sequence player |
alSeqpSetBank | Specifies the instrument bank for the sequence player to use |
alSeqpSetChannelPriority | Has been renamed alSeqpSetChlPriority |
alSeqpSetChlFXMix | Sets the effect mix on the given MIDI channel |
alSeqpSetChlPan | Sets the pan position for the given MIDI channel |
alSeqpSetChlPriority | Sets the priority for the given MIDI channel |
alSeqpSetChlProgram | Assigns a MIDI program to a MIDI channel |
alSeqpSetChlVol | Set the volume for the given MIDI channel |
alSeqpSetFXMix | Has been renamed alSeqpSetChlFXMix |
alSeqpSetPan | Has been renamed to alSeqpSetChlPan |
alSeqpSetProgram | Has been renamed to alSeqpSetChlProgram |
alSeqpSetSeq | Sets the sequence player's target sequence |
alSeqpSetTempo | Specifies the tempo for the sequence player to use |
alSeqpSetTime | Has been removed from the audio library and is no longer supported |
alSeqpSetVol | Sets the overall sequence volume |
alSeqpStop | Stop the target sequence |
alSeqSecToTicks | Converts from seconds to MIDI clock ticks |
alSeqSetLoc | Sets the current sequence location |
alSeqTicksToSec | Converts from MIDI clock ticks to seconds |
alSndpAllocate | Allocates a sound to a sound player |
alSndpDeallocate | Deallocates a sound from a sound player |
alSndpDelete | Deallocates a sound player |
alSndpGetSound | Gets the identifier of the current target sound in a sound player |
alSndpGetState | Gets the state (playing, stopping, or stopped) of the current target sound |
alSndpHeapSize | Has been removed from the audio library and is no longer supported |
alSndpNew | Initializes a sound player |
alSndpPlay | Starts playing the current target sound |
alSndpPlayAt | Starts playing the current target sound at a specified time |
alSndpSetFXMix | Sets the wet/dry mix of the current target sound |
alSndpSetPan | Sets the pan position of the current target sound |
alSndpSetPitch | Sets the pitch of the current target sound |
alSndpSetPriority | Sets the priority of a sound |
alSndpSetSound | Sets the current target sound in a sound player |
alSndpSetVol | Sets the volume of the current target sound |
alSndpStop | Stops playing the current target sound |
alSynAddPlayer | Adds a client player to the synthesizer |
alSynAllocFX | Allocates an audio effect processor |
alSynAllocVoice | Allocates a synthesizer voice |
alSynDelete | NOT IMPLEMENTED - Deletes the synthesizer driver |
alSynFreeFX | NOT IMPLEMENTED - Deletes allocated effect processor |
alSynFreeVoice | Deallocates a synthesizer voice |
alSynGetFXRef | Gets the address of an effect |
alSynGetPriority | Requests the priority of a voice. |
alSynHeapSize | Has been removed from the audio library and is no longer supported |
alSynNew | Allocates the specified synthesizer driver |
alSynRemovePlayer | Removes a player from the synthesizer driver |
alSynSetFXMix | Sets the wet/dry effect mix for a voice |
alSynSetFXParam | Sets an effect parameter to the specified value |
alSynSetPan | Sets the stereo pan position of the specified voice |
alSynSetPitch | Sets the pitch of the specified voice |
alSynSetPriority | Sets the priority of the specified voice |
alSynSetVol | Sets the target volume of the specified voice |
alSynStartVoice | Starts synthesizing audio samples with the specified voice |
alSynStartVoiceParams | Starts synthesizing audio samples with the specified voice using the specified parameters |
alSynStopVoice | Stops generating audio samples with the specified voice |
asccode | N64® tool that gets the character information data about an ASCII character |
asin | Returns the arc sine of a specified double argument |
asinf | Returns the arc sine of a specified floating point argument |
atan | Returns the arc tangent of a specified double argument |
atanf | Returns the arc tangent of a specified floating point argument |
atan2 | Returns the arc tangent of a specified double argument divided by another specified double argument |
atan2f | Returns the arc tangent of a specified floating point argument divided by another specified floating point argument |
atof | Converts a string character into a numeric value of the double type |
atoi | Converts a string character into a numeric value of the int type |
atol | Converts a string character string into a numeric value of long type |
bankdump | N64® tool that prints the symbol information (symbol name, class, and offset) contained in the N64® sound banks for objects contained in the .sym file created by the ic tool |
bkpt | N64® tool that sets or clears the target breakpoint |
bsearch | Uses binary search to find an element that matches the specified argument in an array sorted in ascending order |
byte2lba | N64® tool |
calcnnc | N64® tool that calculates the NCC (Nintendo Check Code) from the N64® Disk Drive master data file |
calloc | Reserves a memory block with a specified number of elements of a specified size in the area that was reserved by InitHeap |
ceil | Returns the minimum integer value greater than a specified double argument |
ceilf | Returns the minimum integer value greater than a specified floating point argument |
cos | Returns the cosine for a specified double argument |
cosf | Returns the cosine for a specified floating point argument |
cosf | Computes the cosine in floating point, given an angle in radians and using polynomial approximation |
cosh | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a specified floating point argument |
coshf | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a specified floating point argument |
coss | Computes the cosine using a table lookup in DRAM, returning the result in s.15 fixed-point format |
dbgif | N64® tool that establishes a link between the host workstation and the game target |
div | Returns a div_t type structure that consists of a quotient and remainder |
dlprint | N64® tool that formats and prints graphics display lists and audio command lists
in a human readable form to the standard output device |
expf | Caluculates an exponent to a specified floating point power |
floor | Returns the maximum integer value that is less than a specified double argument |
floorf | Returns the maximum integer value that is less than a specified floating point argument |
flt2c | N64® tool that converts from a MultiGen .flt database to a Nintendo 64 graphics
data-structure |
fmod | Returns the floating point remainder that occurs when a specified double value is divided by another specified double value |
fmodf | Returns the floating point remainder that occurs when a specified floating point value is divided by another specified floating point value |
free | Frees the memory block that was reserved by InitHeap |
frexp | Splits its double argument into a normalized fraction in the interval (1/2, 1), which is returned, and a power of 2, which is stored in the location specified by the second argument |
frexpf | Splits its floating point argument into a normalized fraction in the interval (1/2, 1), which is returned, and a power of 2, which is stored in the location specified by the second argument |
gbi | General description of the graphics binary interface macros |
gbi2mem | N64® tool that converts the output of the guDumpGbiDL
function (in an N64® application) to a format usable by the RSP simulator |
gdis | N64® tool that disassembles object files into machine instructions |
gDPClearOtherMode | Initializes an RDP othermode command to all zeros |
gDPEndDisplayList | Ends a graphics display list by instructing the RDP to pop the display list stack until the stack is empty |
gDPFillRectangle | Renders a solid color rectangle in screen coordinates but cannot take negative arguments |
gDPFullSync | Signals the end of a frame |
gDPLoadBlock | Loads a texture image in a contiguous block from DRAM to on-chip texture memory (TMEM). It should not be used in a program |
gDPLoadSync | Synchronizes texture loads |
gDPLoadTexture | Describes the texture-loading functions and macros |
gDPLoadTextureBlock | Loads a texture image in a contiguous block from DRAM to on-chip texture memory (TMEM) |
gDPLoadTextureBlock_4b | Loads a texture image in a contiguous block from DRAM to on-chip texture memory (TMEM) |
gDPLoadTextureTile | Loads a subtile of a larger texture image from DRAM to on-chip texture memory (TMEM) |
gDPLoadTextureTile_4b | Loads a subtile of a larger texture image from DRAM to on-chip texture memory (TMEM) |
gDPLoadTLUT_pal | Describes the functions that load the texture-lookup table into texture memory |
gDPLoadTLUT_pal16 | Loads a texture look-up table into 1 of 16 palettes in texture memory (TMEM) |
gDPLoadTLUT_pal256 | Loads a texture look-up table into 1 of 256 palettes in texture memory (TMEM) |
gDPNoOp | Does nothing but provide a few stall cycles for debugging purposes |
gDPNoOpTag | Does nothing but provide a few stall cycles for debugging purposes and includes a tag number to help with debugging |
gDPPipelineMode | Sets the mode (cache coherent or pipeline) for using the RDP internal span caches to make rendering more efficient |
gDPPipeSync | Synchronizes the attribute interpolation pipe |
gDPScisFillRectangle | Renders a solid color rectangle in screen coordinates and can take negative arguments |
gDPSetAlphaCompare | Sets the alpha compare mode for conditional writes to the framebuffer |
gDPSetAlphaDither | Sets (or disables) the type of alpha dithering to use |
gDPSetBlendColor | Sets the blend color in the RDP internal color register |
gDPSetColor | Describes the various functions that set colors |
gDPSetColorDither | Sets (or disables) various types of color dithering |
gDPSetColorImage | Sets the framebuffer area for color images |
gDPSetCombineKey | Enables or disables chroma keying |
gDPSetCombineMode | Sets commonly used color combine (CC) modes |
gDPSetConvert | Sets the matrix coefficients for converting YUV pixels to RGB |
gDPSetCycleType | Sets the RDP cycle type |
gDPSetDepthImage | Sets the framebuffer area for depth images |
gDPSetDepthSource | Specifies which source z to use to compare against the depth buffer |
gDPSetEnvColor | Sets the environment color in the RDP internal color register |
gDPSetFillColor | Sets the fill color in the RDP internal color register |
gDPSetFogColor | Sets the fog color in the RDP internal color register |
gDPSetHilite1Tile | Sets texture parameters in RDP for specular highlight rendering |
gDPSetHilite2Tile | Sets texture parameters in RDP for specular highlight rendering |
gDPSetHiliteTile | Describes the SetHilite functions |
gDPSetImage | Describes the SetImage functions that set the framebuffer area for color, depth, and texture images |
gDPSetKeyGB | Works with gDPSetKeyR to select the color key for chroma key operation |
gDPSetKeyR | Works with gDPSetKeyGB to select the color key for chroma key operation |
gDPSetPrimColor | Sets the primitive color in the RDP internal color register |
gDPSetPrimDepth | Sets the primitive depth (z) in the RDP |
gDPSetRenderMode | Sets the rendering modes of the blender |
gDPSetScissor | Sets the scissor box, which eliminates pixels drawn outside of the box region, in screen coordinates |
gDPSetTextureConvert | Controls the texture filter unit, selecting whether the output should be filtered (G_TC_FILT), color-converted from YUV to RGB (G_TC_CONV), or both (G_TC_FILTCONV) |
gDPSetTextureDetail | Enables and disables detailed textures |
gDPSetTextureFilter | Sets the type of filter used when sampling a texture tile |
gDPSetTextureImage | Sets the framebuffer area for texture images |
gDPSetTextureLOD | Enables or disables for LOD or mipmapped textures |
gDPSetTextureLUT | Enables or disables for true color or lookup table textures |
gDPSetTexturePersp | Enables and disables for perspective-corrected texture maps |
gDPSetTile | Works with gDPSetTileSize to set up multi-tile texture modes like mip-mapping, detail, and sharpen |
gDPSetTileSize | Sets tile parameters that define the origin and extent of the texture tile |
gDPSync | Describes the synchronization functions |
gDPTileSync | Synchronizes texture tile settings |
gdSPDefLights | Loads parameters defining the lights into light structures |
gdSPDefLookAt | Loads the x and y screen space coordinate directions into a LookAt structure |
getfpregs | N64® tool that retrieves floating point register contents for a target system thread |
getgregs | N64® tool that retrieves the general purpose register contents for a target system thread |
getsregs | N64® tool that retrieves the scalar register contents from the RCP co-processor |
getvregs | N64® tool that retrieves the vector register contents from the RCP co-processor |
gload | N64® tool that loads games for the N64® development system |
gperf | N64® tool that analyzes profile data |
gSP1Quadrangle | Draws a single rectangle face |
gSP1Triangle | Draws a single triangle face |
gSP2Triangles | Draws two triangle faces |
gSPBgRect1Cyc | Loads the texture data from DRAM to TMEM, and then draws; unlike gSPBgRectCopy, this macro supports BG scaling
gSPBgRectCopy | Loads the texture data from DRAM to TMEM as necessary, and then draws in the copy mode; it has the fastest drawing speed. |
gSPBranchLessZ | Executes LOD processing for model |
gSPBranchLessZrg | Executes LOD processing for model when the range has been changed |
gSPBranchList | Jumps to the display list branch without pushing it onto the calling stack, so you can use it to link long lists together |
gSPClearGeometryMode | Clears the geometry pipeline modes |
gSPClipRatio | Specifies the relative size for clipping or scissoring a rectangle |
gSPCullDisplayList | Determines whether a bounding volume intersects the viewing volume. If the bounding volume is entirely outside of the viewing volume, the remainder of the current display list is not executed |
gSPDisplayList | Attaches a display list branch onto the current display list |
gSPEndDisplayList | Ends a graphics display list by instructing the RSP to pop the display list stack until the stack is empty |
gspF3DEX |
Part of the F3DEX microcode series |
gspF3DLP.Rej |
Part of the F3DEX microcode series |
gspF3DLX |
Part of the F3DEX microcode series |
gspF3DLX.Rej |
Part of the F3DEX microcode series |
gspFast3D |
High quality 3D polygonal geometry RSP microcode |
gSPFogPosition | Specifies fog thickness as objects fade into the background |
gSPForceMatrix | Loads a new matrix into the top of the RSP's matrix stacks bypassing any matrix multiplication and replacing the concatenated MODELVIEW and PROJECTION matrix with a single matrix that is used for the entire transformation |
gSPGeometryMode | Describes the two geometry pipeline mode functions |
gSPInsertMatrix | Modifies elements of a matrix without multiplications. It replaces two elements of the concatenated MODELVIEW and PROJECTION matrix with two new numbers |
gspL3DEX |
Part of the F3DEX microcode series |
gSPLight | Loads a single light structure into the numbered position in the light buffer |
gSPLightColor | Changes the colors of a specified light in the RSP quickly without using DMA, so no extra memory is required |
gSPLine3D | Generates one line, using the vertices v0, v1 in the internal vertex buffer loaded by the gSPVertex function |
gspLine3D |
High quality 3D line RSP microcode |
gSPLineW3D | Generates one line, using the vertices v0, v1 in the internal vertex buffer loaded by the gSPVertex function and allows you to specify the line width in half-pixel units |
gSPLoadUcode | Loads the microcode by physical address of the text and data selections |
gSPLoadUcodeL | Loads the microcode by name |
gSPLookAt | Loads a LookAt structure into the RSP for specular highlighting or reflection mapping |
gSPLookAtX | Works inside the gSPLookAt macro to load a LookAt structure into the RSP for specular highlighting or reflection mapping. It is not exposed to the programmer |
gSPLookAtY | Works inside the gSPLookAt macro to load a LookAt structure into the RSP for specular highlighting or reflection mapping. It is not exposed to the programmer |
gSPMatrix | Inserts a matrix operation into the display list; you can select which matrix stack to use (projection or modelview), where to load or concatenate, and whether or not to push the matrix stack |
gSPModifyVertex | Modifies a vertex after it is loaded into the RSP |
gSPNearClip | REMOVED - This function no longer exists - it used to be used to turn near clipping on or off. This is now accomplished by selecting non-near-clipping microcode |
gSPNumLights | Specifies the number of light structures to be used in lighting calculations in the RSP |
gSPObjLoadTxRect | Performs the texture load operation and then draws a non-rotating sprite without using the 2D matrix |
gSPObjLoadTxRectR | Performs the texture load operation and then draws a non-rotating sprite by using the data stored in the 2D matrix |
gSPObjLoadTxSprite | Performs the texture load operation and then draws a rotating sprite by using the data stored in the 2D matrix |
gSPObjLoadTxtr | Is an S2DEX microcode macro that loads the texture data into the uObjTxtr data structure by referring to the texture loading parameters held by three data structures |
gSPObjMatrix | is an S2DEX microcode macro that loads the 2D matrix data that exists in the uObjMtx data structure to the 2D matrix area in the RSP |
gSPObjRectangle | Draws non-rotating sprites as one of three sprite-drawing macros that are part of the S2DEX microcode without using the 2D matrix |
gSPObjRectangleR | Draws non-rotating sprites as one of three sprite-drawing macros that are part of the S2DEX microcode; it changes drawing screen coordinates by referring to the data stored in the 2D matrix |
gSPObjRenderMode | Is an S2DEX microcode macro that sets or changes the object render mode of the RSP |
gSPObjSprite | Using the data in the 2D matrix, it draws rotating sprites as one of three sprite-drawing macros that are part of the S2DEX microcode |
gSPObjSubMatrix | Is an S2DEX microcode macro that changes the 2D matrix elements {X, Y, BaseScaleX, BaseScaleY} that correspond to the variable members of uObjSubMtx structure |
gSPPerspNormalize | Normalizes the perspective |
gSPPopMatrix | Pops one of the matrix stacks |
gspS2DEX |
Microcode that uses Super NES-like sprite and BG functions on the N64® to make it easier to create a game using sprites; it makes N64® programming similar to conventional sprite game programming |
gSPScisTextureRectangle | Draws a textured 2D rectangle in screen coordinates (sprites) that can include negative coordinates |
gSPSegment | Sets the segment registers with the base address |
gSPSelectBranchDL | Is an S2DEX microcode macro that examines Status[sid] using the same method used for texture load decision making, and depending on the True/False result branches out to other display lists |
gSPSelectDL | Is an S2DEX microcode macro that inspects Status[sid] using the same method used for texture load decision making, and depending on the True/False result, it calls other display lists |
gSPSetGeometryMode | Sets the geometry pipeline modes |
gSPSetLights | Loads light structures into the RSP |
gSPSetOtherMode | Sets or clears the RDP 'othermode' but it is not exposed to the programmer and should not be used |
gSPSetStatus | Is an S2DEX microcode macro that assigns a specified value to a specified status area (Status[sid]); the status value can then be referenced for texture loading and making conditional branching decisions |
gspSprite2D |
High-quality 2D sprite geometry microcode |
gSPSprite2DBase | Sends the sprite microcode to the initialized sprite structure to start actual processing. It initialize the common sprite parameters but does not perform actual screen drawing |
gSPSprite2DDraw | Specifies the screen coordinates where the sprite is to be drawn, and starts actual screen drawing using the parameters specified by gSPSprite2DBase and gSPSprite2DScaleFlip |
gSPSprite2DScaleFlip | Specifies the X/Y scaling and/or flipping parameters for a sprite but does not perform actual screen drawing |
gSPTexture | Sets the parameters in the RSP for texturing |
gSPTextureRectangle | Draws a textured 2D rectangle in screen coordinates (sprites) that cannot include negative coordinates |
gSPTextureRectangleFlip | Flips the rectangle's texture so that the s coordinate changes in the y direction and the t coordinate changes in the x direction |
gspTurbo3D |
Reduced-feature, reduced-precision microcode that delivers significantly faster performance |
gSPVertex | Loads an internal vertex buffer in the RSP with points that are used by gSP1Triangle functions to generate polygons |
gSPViewport | Sets up the viewport region of the graphics pipeline and loads the viewport projection parameter |
gspZ-Sort |
Microcode that may improve performance when the volume of graphics is high because it deletes obscured screens at the N64® hardware level by using a Z-Sort |
gSPZGetMtx | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that reads a matrix |
gSPZGetUMem | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that reads data in the user area |
gSPZLight | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that performs light calculations |
gSPZLightMaterial | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that performs light calculations taking matrix into consideration |
gSPZLinkSubDL | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that orocesses unprocessed Sub DL |
gSPZMixS16 | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that performs s16 numeric interpolation |
gSPZMixS8 | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that performs s8 numeric interpolation |
gSPZMixU8 | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that performs u8 numeric interpolation |
gSPZMtxCat | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that multiplies matrices |
gSPZMtxTrnsp3x3 | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that transposes 3x3 elements of a matrix |
gSPZMultMPMtx | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that transforms model coordinate values to screen coordinate values |
gSPZPerspNormalize | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that sets a perspective correction value |
gSPZRdpCmd | Z-Sort microcode macro that processes the specified Z-Sort microcode RDP command string. The RDP commands that can be called, however, are limited |
gSPZSegment | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that sets a segment |
gSPZSendMessage | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that sends a message to the CPU |
gSPZSetAmbient | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that writes ambient light (environment light) |
gSPZSetDefuse | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that writes defuse light (diffused light) |
gSPZSetLookAt | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that writes LookAt structure data |
gSPZSetMtx | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that writes a matrix |
gSPZSetSubDL | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that registers or starts Sub DL |
gSPZSetUMem | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that writes data to the user area |
gSPZViewPort | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that sets VIEWPORT
gSPZWaitSignal | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that waits for a signal from the CPU |
gSPZXfmLights | Is a Z-Sort microcode macro that performs light parameter pre-processing |
gtStateSetOthermode | Assembles RDP 'othermode' commands for turbo microcode applications |
guAlign | Returns a fixed-point modeling matrix that can be used to align the model with a vector, plus a rotation around that vector |
guAlignF | Returns a floating-point modeling matrix that can be used to align the model with a vector, plus a rotation around that vector |
guDPLoadTextureTile | Old function that does what the gDPLoadTextureTile macro now does |
guDumpGbiDL | NO LONGER SUPPORTED - it has been combined into the guParseGbiDL function |
guFrustum | Computes a 4x4 fixed-point perspective projection matrix |
guFrustumF | Computes a 4x4 floating-point perspective projection matrix |
guGetDPLoadTextureTileSz | Old function that indicates how many words will be added to the display list by the guDPLoadTextureTile function |
guLoadTextureBlockMipMap | Computes a mipmap pyramid from a source texture array and returns a display list for loading and rendering the mipmapped texture |
guLookAt | Computes and returns a fixed-point 4x4 'lookat' viewing matrix |
guLookAtF | Computes and returns a floating-point 4x4 'lookat' viewing matrix |
guLookAtHilite | Computes a fixed-point 4x4 'lookat' viewing matrix, sets up the LookAt structure for reflection mapping or specular hilite rendering, and computes texture offsets of two specular highlights (in the Hilite structure) |
guLookAtHiliteF | Computes a floating-point 4x4 'lookat' viewing matrix, sets up the LookAt structure for reflection mapping or specular hilite rendering, and computes texture offsets of two specular highlights (in the Hilite structure) |
guLookAtReflect | Computes and returns a fixed-point 4x4 viewing matrix and sets up the LookAt structures with values for performing reflection mapping |
guLookAtReflectF | Computes and returns a floating-point 4x4 viewing matrix and sets up the LookAt structures with values for performing reflection mapping |
guLookAtStereo | Returns a fixed-point 4x4 matrix (m) that can be used for one view of a stereographic projection |
guLookAtStereoF | Returns a floating-point 4x4 matrix (m) that can be used for one view of a stereographic projection |
guMtxCatF | Concatenates two 4x4 floating-point matrices |
guMtxCatL | Concatenates two 4x4 fixed-point matrices |
guMtxF2L | Converts a 4x4 floating-point matrix to a fixed-point matrix |
guMtxIdent | Returns a fixed-point 4x4 identity matrix |
guMtxIdentF | Returns a floating-point 4x4 identity matrix |
guMtxL2F | Converts a 4x4 fixed-point matrix to a floating-point matrix |
guMtxXFMF | Transforms a single point by a 4x4 floating-point matrix |
guMtxXFML | Transforms a single point by a 4x4 fixed-point matrix |
guNormalize | Normalizes a 3D vector |
guOrtho | Computes and returns an orthographic 4x4 fixed-point projection matrix for an orthographic parallel viewing volume |
guOrthoF | Computes and returns an orthographic 4x4 floating-point projection matrix for an orthographic parallel viewing volume |
guParseGbiDL | Prints a GBI display list in human readable format |
guParseRdpDL | Prints low-level display lists in human readable format |
guPerspective | Computes and returns a 4x4 fixed-point perspective projection matrix and returns a number to use with the gSPPerspNormalize function |
guPerspectiveF | Computes and returns a 4x4 floating-point perspective projection matrix and returns a number to use with the gSPPerspNormalize function |
guPosition | Computes and returns a 4x4 fixed-point modeling matrix that locates an object at a specified position with a specified orientation |
guPositionF | Computes and returns a 4x4 floating-point modeling matrix that locates an object at a specified position with a specified orientation |
guPosLight | Simulates a positional light source by calculating a light structure for a single positional light without calculating specular hilite related values |
guPosLightHilite | Simulates a positional light source by calculating a light structure for two positional lights and their hilite and lookat value for rendering specular highlights |
guRandom | Returns a pseudo-random integer in the range of -2147483647 to 2147483647 |
guRotate | Computes and returns a fixed-point 4x4 rotational modeling matrix by working with guRotateRPY |
guRotateF | Computes and returns a floating-point 4x4 rotational modeling matrix by woring with guRotateRPYF |
guRotateRPY | Computes and returns a fixed-point 4x4 rotational modeling matrix by working with guRotate |
guRotateRPYF | Computes and returns a floating-point 4x4 rotational modeling matrix by woring with guRotateF |
guS2DEmuGBgRect1Cyc | Uses the CPU to emulate the action of the S2DEX microcode macro gSPBgRect1Cyc |
guS2DEmuSetScissor | Sets the scissoring parameters and texture filter referenced by the guS2DEmuBgRect1Cyc function. It is one of the two emulation functions that come with the S2DEX microcode that you can use to have the CPU emulate the S2DEX microcode |
guS2DInitBg | Initializes the S2DEX microcode's uObjBg structure (uObjBg_t) |
guScale | Computes and returns a fixed-point, scaling modeling, 4x4 matrix |
guScaleF | Computes and returns a floating-point, scaling modeling, 4x4 matrix |
guSprite2DInit | Initializes a sprite data structure for subsequent use by microcode |
guTranslate | Computes and returns a translation modeling fixed-point 4x4 matrix |
guTranslateF | Computes and returns a translation modeling floating-point 4x4 matrix |
gvd | The GameShop debugger that runs on the host development workstation and
communicates with the game development board by way of the dbgif program |
hypot | Returns the length of the hypotenuse for a right triangle by using two specified sides of the double type |
hypotf | Returns the length of the hypotenuse for a right triangle by using two specified sides of the floating point type |
ic | The instrument compiler for N64® audio that creates the bank files |
ie | N64® tool that is the instrument editor for Nintendo 64 audio |
imscale | N64® tool that is an image scaling utility that reads in an rgb format image and scales it by arbitrary X and Y floating point scaling values to stretch or shrink the
image to a desired size, which is useful for constructing properly
filtered textures used in mipmapping |
InitHeap | Reserves and initializes a memory allocation area |
Introduction to N64® Microcode |
Introduces the seven basic microcodes and the F3DEX microcode series |
labs | Returns the absolute value of a specified value |
lba2byte | N64® tool that converts from LBA to bytes |
ldexp | Calculates x*(2�exp) where x is of the double type |
ldexpf | Calculates x*(2�exp) where x is of the floating point type |
ldiv | Divides one specified argument by another, and returns the ldiv_t structure that holds the quotient and the remainder |
Leo | Overview of the N64® Disk Drive Functions |
LeoByteToLBA | Converts from byte to LBA |
LeoCACreateLeoManager | Creates and starts the Leo Manager device driver system threads for America-based Game Paks that also use disks in the N64® Disk Drive. |
LeoCJCreateLeoManager | Creates and starts the Leo Manager device driver system threads for Japan-based Game Paks that also use disks in the N64® Disk Drive. |
LeoClearQueue | Clears the Leo Manager�s command queue |
LeoCreateLeoManager | Creates and starts the Leo Manager device driver system threads for games that run exclusively from disks in the N64® Disk Drive; that is, they are not used in combination with a Game Pak. |
LeoGetAAdr | Gets the storage offset address (offset from the beginning of DDROM) for a specified ASCII character by linking to all of the tables related to ASCII characters |
LeoGetAAdr2 | Gets the storage offset address (offset from the beginning of DDROM) for a specfied ASCII character from the 32 bits of data compressed by the asccode tool |
LeoGetKAdr | Gets the storage offset address (offset from the beginning of DDROM) for a specified Kanji character. |
LeoInquiry | Inquires as to the version numbers of hardware and software for the N64® Disk Drive |
LeoLBAToByte | Converts from LBA to byte |
LeoModeSelect | Has been modified into an asynchronous function and renamed to LeoModeSelectAsync |
LeoModeSelectAsync | Alters the N64® Disk Drive mode switching time; that is it provides a way to alter the wait-time specified for changes between active, standby, and sleep modes to meet the needs of the game. |
LeoReadCapacity | Calculates the N64® Disk Drive disk available region |
LeoReadDiskID | Acquires the ID number written in the system region of the N64® Disk Drive disk. |
LeoReadRTC | Reads the built-in real-time clock |
LeoReadWrite | Reads and writes between RDRAM and the N64® Disk Drive |
leoReset | Has been renamed to LeoReset
LeoReset | Inhibits the issuing of new commands, clears the command queue, and resets the N64® Disk Drive |
LeoResetClear | Cancels the N64® Disk Drive reset state |
LeoRezero | Recalibrates the drive by initializing several set values in the internal resistor and moving the head to LBA0 |
LeoSeek | Moves the head of N64® Disk Drive to a specified position |
LeoSetRTC | Sets the built-in real-time clock |
LeoSpdlMotor | Controls the motor and the head position in the driveD198 |
LeoTestUnitReady | Examines whether or not the disk is inserted, the head is retracted, and the motor is on |
leowrite | N64® tool that writes the specified file onto the N64® Disk Drive disk |
listthreads | N64® tool that lists the threads currently running in the target system |
log | Returns the natural logarithm of a double point argument |
logf | Returns the natural logarithm of a specified floating point argument |
log10 | Returns the common logarithm of a specified double argument |
log10f | Returns the common logarithm of a specified floating point argument |
longjmp | Restores the environment that was saved (reserved) by the most recently called setjmp function |
makedisk | N64® tool that creates the N64® Disk Drive disk image and its related ELF object file |
makerom | N64® tool that creates a ROM Game Pak image and associated ELF object files |
malloc | Reserves a memory block greater in size than the area that was reserved by InitHeap where the reserved memory is 16-bit aligned |
malloc_memcheck | Checks the memory allocation area to see if its condition is normal or abnormal, and acquires information on area that is used and not used |
malloc_memdsp | Makes 60 digits into 1 line for the specified one-dimensional character string, and returns the information on the memory allocation area as a character information |
memchr | Returns a character from memory by using a specified pointer |
memcmp | Compares the contents of a specified buffer with the contents of another specified buffer a specified number of bytes |
memcpy | Copies the contents of a specified source to a specified destination for a specified number of bytes |
memmove | Copies the contents of a specified source to a specified destination by a specified number of bytes even if the areas of the source and the destination overlap |
memset | Writes specified byte data to a specified area for a specified number of bytes |
midicomp | N64® tool that is a MIDI file connverter/compresser that converts a Type 1 or Type 0 Standard MIDI file into a compressed MIDI format for use with the Nintendo 64 Audio Library |
midicvt | N64® tool that is a MIDI file converter that converts a Type 1 Standard MIDI file to a Type 0 Standard MIDI file for use with the Nintendo 64 Audio Library |
midiDmon | N64® tool plays midi on the Nintendo 64 in real time |
midiprint | MIDI file listing N64® tool that prints a text listing of the time-based MIDI
events in a Type 0 or Type 1 Standard MIDI file |
midistat | N64® tool that provides note statistics for MIDI files |
mkisprite | N64® tool that converts .rgb files to the C Sprite data structure |
mksprite | N64® tool that converts .rgb files to the C Sprite data structure |
mksprite32 | N64® tool that converts .rgb files to the C Sprite data structure |
modf | Divides a specified double value into its fractional part, which is returned, and its integral part, which is stored in the location specified by the second argument |
modff | Divides a specified floating point value into its fractional part, which is returned, and its integral part, which is stored in the location specified by the second argument |
n_alAudioFrame |
Creates an audio command list for one frame |
n_alClose |
Shuts down the n_audio library |
n_alCSeqNew |
Initializes an n_audio compressed MIDI sequence structure |
n_alCSeqNewMarker |
Initializes a sequence marker at a given location for use with the compressed MIDI sequence player |
n_alCSeqNextEvent |
Returns the next MIDI event from the compressed MIDI sequence |
n_alCSPDelete |
Deallocates a MIDI sequence player |
n_alCSPGetChlFXMix |
Returns the effect mix for the given MIDI channel |
n_alCSPGetChlPan |
Returns the pan position for the given MIDI channel |
n_alCSPGetChlPriority |
Returns the priority for the given MIDI channel |
n_alCSPGetChlProgram |
Returns the MIDI program number assigned to a MIDI channel |
n_alCSPGetChlVol |
Returns the volume for the given MIDI channel |
n_alCSPGetSeq |
Returns the sequence currently assigned to the compressed MIDI sequence player |
n_alCSPGetTempo |
Returns the tempo of the current sequence |
n_alCSPGetVol |
Returns the overall sequence volume |
n_alCSPNew |
Initializes a compressed MIDI sequence player |
n_alCSPPlay |
Starts the target sequence playing |
n_alCSPSetBank |
Specifies the instrument bank for the sequence player to use |
n_alCSPSetChlFXMix |
Sets the effect mix on the given MIDI channel |
n_alCSPSetChlPan |
Sets the pan position for the given MIDI channel |
n_alCSPSetChlPriority |
Sets the priority for the given MIDI channel |
n_alCSPSetChlProgram |
Assigns a MIDI program to a MIDI channel |
n_alCSPSetChlVol |
Sets the volume for the given MIDI channel |
n_alCSPSetSeq |
Sets the compressed MIDI sequence player's target sequence |
n_alCSPSetTempo |
Specifies the tempo for the sequence player to use |
n_alCSPSetVol |
Sets the overall sequence volume |
n_alCSPStop |
Stops the target compressed MIDI sequence |
n_alInit |
Initializes the n_audio library |
n_alSeqNewMarker |
Initializes a sequence marker at a given location |
n_alSeqNextEvent |
Returns the next MIDI event in the sequence |
n_alSeqpDelete |
Deallocates a MIDI sequence player |
n_alSeqpGetChlFXMix |
Returns the effect mix for the given MIDI channel |
n_alSeqpGetChlPan |
Returns the pan position for the given MIDI channel |
n_alSeqpGetChlPriority |
Returns the priority for the given MIDI channel |
n_alSeqpGetChlProgram |
Returns the MIDI program number assigned to a MIDI |
n_alSeqpGetChlVol |
Returns the volume for the given MIDI channel |
n_alSeqpGetSeq |
Returns the sequence currently assigned to the ALSeqPlayer |
n_alSeqpGetTempo |
Returns the tempo of the current sequence |
n_alSeqpGetVol |
Returns the overall sequence volume |
n_alSeqpLoop |
Sets sequence loop points |
n_alSeqpNew |
Initializes a Type 0 MIDI sequence player |
n_alSeqpPlay |
Starts the target sequence playing |
n_alSeqpSendMidi |
Sends the given MIDI message to the sequence player |
n_alSeqpSetBank |
Specifies the instrument bank for the sequence player to use |
n_alSeqpSetChlFXMix |
Sets the effect mix on the given MIDI channel |
n_alSeqpSetChlPan |
Sets the pan position for the given MIDI channel |
n_alSeqpSetChlPriority |
Sets the priority for the given MIDI channel |
n_alSeqpSetChlProgram |
Assigns a MIDI program to a MIDI channel |
n_alSeqpSetChlVol |
Set the volume for the given MIDI channel |
n_alSeqpSetSeq |
Sets the sequence player's target sequence |
n_alSeqpSetTempo |
Specifies the tempo for the sequence player to use |
n_alSeqpSetVol |
Sets the overall sequence volume |
n_alSeqpStop |
Stop the target sequence |
n_alSndpAllocate |
Allocates a sound to a sound player |
n_alSndpDeallocate | Deallocates a sound from a sound player |
n_alSndpDelete |
Deallocates a sound player |
n_alSndpGetSound |
Gets the identifier of the current target sound in a sound player |
n_alSndpGetState |
Gets the state (playing, stopping, or stopped) of the current target sound |
n_alSndpNew |
Initializes a sound player |
n_alSndpPlay |
Starts playing the current target sound |
n_alSndpPlayAt |
Starts playing the current target sound at a specified time |
n_alSndpSetFXMix |
Sets the wet/dry mix of the current target sound |
n_alSndpSetPan |
Sets the pan position of the current target sound |
n_alSndpSetPitch |
Sets the pitch of the current target sound |
n_alSndpSetPriority |
Sets the priority of a sound |
n_alSndpSetSound |
Sets the current target sound in a sound player |
n_alSndpSetVol |
Sets the volume of the current target sound |
n_alSndpStop |
Stops playing the current target sound |
n_alSynAddSeqPlayer |
Adds a client sequence player to the synthesizer |
n_alSynAddSndPlayer |
Adds a client sound player to the synthesizer |
n_alSynAllocFX |
Allocates an audio effect processor |
n_alSynAllocVoice |
Allocates a synthesizer voice |
n_alSynDelete |
Deletes the synthesizer driver by deleting all the players currently registered at the synthesizer driver |
n_alSynFreeFX |
NOT IMPLEMENTED - Deletes the allocated effect processor |
n_alSynFreeVoice |
Deallocates a synthesizer voice |
n_alSynGetFXRef |
Gets the address of an effect |
n_alSynGetPriority |
Requests the priority of a voice |
n_alSynNew |
Allocates the specified synthesizer driver |
n_alSynRemovePlayer |
Removes a player from the synthesizer driver |
n_alSynSetFXMix |
Sets the wet/dry effect mix for a voice |
n_alSynSetFXParam |
Sets an effect parameter to the specified value |
n_alSynSetPan |
Sets the stereo pan position of the specified voice |
n_alSynSetPitch |
Sets the pitch of the specified voice |
n_alSynSetPriority |
Sets the priority of the specified voice |
n_alSynSetVol |
Sets the target volume of the specified voice |
n_alSynStartVoice |
Starts synthesizing audio samples with the specified voice |
n_alSynStartVoiceParams |
Starts synthesizing audio samples with the specified voice using the specified parameters |
n_alSynStopVoice |
Stops generating audio samples with the specified voice |
n64mdisk | N64® tool that creates the game program�s master data |
nosLoadFont | N64® tool that expands font data in memory |
nuAuInit | Initializes the Audio Manager, and activates two sequence players and one sound player. It also registers the default function called when a PRE-NMI event is generated |
nuAuMgrInit | Initializes the Audio Manager. Also initializes and activates the synthesizer driver. |
nuAuPreNMIFuncRemove | Removes the PRE-NMI process callback function. |
nuAuPreNMIFuncSet | Registers the PRE-NMI process callback function. |
nuAuSeqPlayerBankSet | Enters a bank in the sequence player. |
nuAuSeqPlayerFadeOut | Fades out the sequence being played by the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlFXMix | Gets the effects mix value of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlPan | Gets the pan value of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlPriority | Gets the priority level of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlProgram | Gets the program number of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlVol | Gets the volume of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerGetSeqno | Gets the sequence number set for the player specified by sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerGetState | Gets the state of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerGetTempo | Returns the tempo of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerGetVol | Returns the volume of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerInit | Initializes the sequence player. |
nuAuSeqPlayerPlay | Specifies the number of the player who will play back the sequence assigned by a nuAuSeqPlayerSetNo function. |
nuAuSeqPlayerSendMidi | Sends a MIDI message to the player specified by the sequence player number. For details see the alSeqpSendMidi function in the N64® Fuctions Reference. |
nuAuSeqPlayerSeqSet | Sets the ROM address of the MIDI sequence bank data in the sequence player. |
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlFXMix | Sets the effects mix value of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlPan | Sets the pan value of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlPriority | Sets the priority level of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlProgram | Assigns program number to the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlVol | Sets the volume of the specified MIDI channel of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerSetNo | Sets the sequence number in the player specified by the sequence player number. It reads an arbitrary MIDI sequence from within the MIDI sequence bank in the sequence player buffer. |
nuAuSeqPlayerSetTempo | Sets the sequence tempo of the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerSetVol | Sets the overall volume of sequence for the player specified by the sequence player number. |
nuAuSeqPlayerStop | Stops the player with the specified sequence player number. |
nuAuSndPlayerBankSet | Enters the bank in the sound player. The bank controls data and bank table data using the .ct1 and .tbl files made with the ic command. |
nuAuSndPlayerGetState | Gets the current playback state of a sound. |
nuAuSndPlayerInit | Initializes the sound player. |
nuAuSndPlayerPlay | Plays the sound specified by the sound number. |
nuAuSndPlayerSetFXMix | Sets the effects mix of the sound in the sound player |
nuAuSndPlayerSetPan | Sets the pan value of the sound in the sound player |
nuAuSndPlayerSetPitch | Sets the pitch of the sound in the sound player |
nuAuSndPlayerSetPriority | Sets the priority level of the sound in the sound player |
nuAuSndPlayerSetSound | Specifies the sound of sound player. Used when specifying sound stop and effect values. |
nuAuSndPlayerSetVol | Sets the volume of the sound in the sound player |
nuAuSndPlayerStop | Stops the playback of sound. |
nuAuStlBankSet | Registers the sound bank in the player |
NuAuStlInit | Initializes audio and activates the sequence player and sound player. It also sets 512K bytes under the frame buffer for the audio heap. |
NuAuStlMgrInit | Initializes the Audio Manager, and it initializes and activates the synthesizer driver. |
nuAuStlPlayerInit | Initializes the player. |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerGetSeqState | Returns the channel number being used by the sequence specified by the sequence handler |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerGetState | Returns the channel number being used by the sequence player |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerPlay | Plays a sequence. It can also change the parameters of a sequence using the returned sequence handler. |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSeqStop | Stops the performance of sequence specified by the sequence handler |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetData | Reads MIDI sequence data into the sequence player buffer |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetMasterVol | Sets the overall sequence player volume |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetSeqPan | Sets the pan value of the sequence specified by the sequence handler |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetSeqTempo | Changes the tempo of the sequence specified by the sequence handler |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerSetSeqVol | Sets the volume of the sequence specified by the sequence handler |
nuAuStlSeqPlayerStop | Stops the entire sequence performance |
nuAuStlSndPlayerGetSndState | Returns the number of channels currently being used. |
nuAuStlSndPlayerGetState | Returns the number of channels currently in use by the sound player |
nuAuStlSndPlayerMasterVol | Sets the overall sound player volume. |
nuAuStlSndPlayerPlay | Plays the sound specified by sound number. It can also change the parameters of the sound using the returned sound handler. |
nuAuStlSndPlayerPlay2 | Plays the sound specified by sound number. It can also change the parameters of the sound using the returned sound handler. |
nuAuStlSndPlayerSetSndPan | Sets the pan value of the sound specified by the sound handler |
nuAuStlSndPlayerSetSndVol | Sets the volume of the sound specified by the sound handler |
nuAuStlSndPlayerSndPitch | Sets the pitch value of the sound specified by the sound handler |
nuAuStlSndPlayerSndStop | Stops the sound specified by the sound handler |
nuAuStlSnsPlayerStop | Stops all sounds. |
nuContData | The Controller data fetched by the Controller Manager. |
nuContDataGet | Gets the Controller data by copying it from the internal buffer. To get the data from four Controllers use the nuContDataGetAll function. |
nuContDataGetAll | Gets the data from all four Controllers. |
nuContDataGetEx | Gets Controller data and stores it in contdata. |
nuContDataGetExAll | Gets Controller data from all four Controllers. |
nuContDataLock | Locks the Controller data so it cannot be updated by the Controller Manager. |
nuContDataRead | Reads the Controller data. |
nuContDataReadStart | Starts to read Controller data. The read is not synchronized, so it is quickly returned, unlike with the nuContDataRead function |
nuContDataReadWait | Waits for the end of the reading of Controller data that was begun with the nuContDataReadStart function. It can also be used to wait for the Controller Manager to finish reading Controller data at the time of a retrace. |
nuContDataUnLock | Removes the lock set on the Controller data. |
nuContInit | Initializes the Controller as well as the Controller Pak. |
nuContMgrInit | Initializes and activates the Controller Manager. |
nuContNum | The number of the connected Controllers. |
nuContPakCodeSet | Registers in the Controller Manager the company code and game code found among the attributes in the Controller Pak's game note. |
nuContPakFileDelete | Deletes the game note in the Controller Pak. |
nuContPakFileDeleteJis | Deletes Controller Pak game note. This function is the same as nuContPakFileDelete, except it can specify names and extensions with JIS code. |
nuContPakFileFind | Searches to see if the specified game note exists in the Controller Pak. It is a macro of the nuContPakFileOpen function. |
nuContPakFileFindJis | Searches for game note like nuContPakFileFind, except it can specify game note names and extensions with JIS code. |
nuContPakFileNum | Gets the number of notes being used in the Controller Pak and the maximum number of notes. |
nuContPakFileOpen | Opens the Controller Pak game note. |
nuContPakFileOpenJis | Opens the Controller Pak game note as does the nuContPakFileOpen function, except this function can specify game note names and extensions with JIS code. |
nuContPakFileRead | Reads the Controller Pak data. It is a macro of the nuContPakFileReadWrite function. |
nuContPakFileReadWrite | Reads or writes to game data of the Controller Pak's game note. |
nuContPakFileReSize | Changes the size (capacity) of the Controller Pak game note. |
nuContPakFileReSizeJis | Changes the size of the Controller Pak game note. Like nuContPakFileReSize except it can specify game note names and extensions with JIS code. |
nuContPakFileState | Gets Controller Pak game note information |
nuContPakFileWrite | Writes data to the Controller Pak. It is a macro of the nuContPakFileReadWrite function. |
nuContPakFuncRemove | Removes the Controller Pak Manager callback function by removing the Controller Pak Manager from the Controller Manager. |
nuContPakFuncSet | Registers the Controller Pak Manager's callback function in the Controller Manager. Use nuContPakFuncRemove to remove it. |
nuContPakGetFree | Gets the free space in bytes in the Controller Pak. |
nuContPakJisToN64 | Converts JIS code into N64® font code. |
nuContPakMgrInit | Registers the Controller Pak Manager in the Controller Manager. |
nuContPakN64ToJis | Converts N64® font code into JIS code. |
nuContPakOpen | Checks to see whether the Controller Pak or Rumble Pak is inserted. If the Controller Pak is inserted, it initializes a file to gain access to the Controller Pak. |
nuContQueryRead | Gets the Controller status. Note that it takes around 2 ms to get the Controller status, so this is a performance hit. |
nuContReadFuncRemove | Removes the callback function that the Controller Manager would otherwise execute after the Controller data has been read at the time of a retrace. |
nuContReadFuncSet | Registers the callback function that will be executed after the Controller data has been read at the time of a retrace. As the default, nothing is entered. |
nuContRmbCheck | Checks the Rumble Pak to see if the Rumble Pak is inserted and if so, it enables control over the Rumble Pak. Unlike nuContPakOpen, this function does not check to see if the Controller Pak is inserted. |
nuContRmbCt1 | The structure used by the Rumble Pak Manager to control the Pak. |
nuContRmbForceStop | Forces the Rumble Pak to stop. |
nuContRmbForceStopEnd | Removes the Rumble Pak forced stop so it can operate again. |
nuContRmbFuncRemove | Removes the Rumble Pak Manager callback function to remove the Rumble Pak Manager from the Controller Manager. It is a macro of the nuContRmbFuncSet function. |
nuContRmbFuncSet | Registers the Rumble Pak Manager callback function, which registers the Rumble Pak Manager in the Controller Manager. |
nuContRmbInit | Initializes the Rumble Pak Manager by initializing the Rumble Pak control structure and registering the Rumble Pak Manager in the Controller Manager. |
nuContRmbModeSet | Sets the operation mode of the Rumble Pak. |
nuContRmbSearchTime | The time interval between automatic recognition checks for the Rumble Pak. To change this value use the nuContRmbSearchTimeSet function. |
nuContRmbSearchTimeSet | Sets the interval of time (in units of frames) between checks to see if the Rumble Pak is inserted when NU_CONT_RMB_MODE_AUTO is specified in the nuContRmbModeSet function. |
nuContRmbStart | Initiates the Rumble Pak |
nuContStatus | The structure that shows the status of the Controller. Calling the nuContMgrInit and nuContQueryRead functions updates the contents of this structure. |
nuDebConClear | Clears the buffer of the console window specified by wndNo. |
nuDebConCPuts | Sends the character string 's' to the console specified by wndNo. Unlike nuDebConPuts, this function does not replace the end-of-string null character ('\0') with the new-line character ('\n'). |
nuDebConDisp | Displays the console output on the screen in ASCII characters. |
nuDebConPutc | Sends the character 'c' to the console specified by wndNo. |
nuDebConPuts | Sends the character string 's' to the console specified by wndNo. The end-of-string null character ('\0') is replaced with the new-line character ('\n'). It is a macro of nuDebConCPuts. |
nuDebConScroll | Turns the console window scroll on or off. Use it to specify whether to scroll at the end character of the bottom-most line. |
nuDebConTextColor | Changes the color of the text output to the console window. |
nuDebConWindowSet | Sets the display position and size of the console window. The initial settings are an upper-left coordinate of (0,0) and a a size of 40 columns and 30 lines |
nuDebConWindowShow | Sets the console window to be displayed or not. Turning the console window off speeds up console display processes. |
nuDebConWindowSize | Sets the display size of the console window. The initial settings are 40 columns and 30 lines. |
nuDebConWindowsPos | Sets the display position of the console window. The initial settings are (0,0) for the upper-left coordinate. |
nuDebTaskPerfBar0 | Displays a (type 0) performance barometer for a graphics task as well as for an audio task. This function internally sets the RDP, creates the display list, and activates the graphics task. |
nuDebTaskPerfBar1 | Displays a (type 1) performance barometer for a graphics task as well as for an audio task. This function internally creates the display list and activates the graphics task. |
nuDebTextAttr | Sets the text attribute. Only a single attribute (blinking) can be set. |
nuGfxCfb | Pointer to the frame buffer pointer array. Set from your application with the nuGfxSetCfb function. |
nuGfxCfb_ptr | Pointer to the frame buffer for the graphics task graphic. |
nuGfxCFbNum | The number of the frame buffer for the graphics task graphic. Set it from your application with the nuGfxSetCfb function. |
nuGfxDisplay | Flag to display or not display a graphic. Set it from your application with the nuGfxDisplayOn and nuGfxDisplayOff functions. |
nuGfxDisplayOff | Blacks out the picture. The picture is displayed using the nuGfxDisplayOn function |
nuGfxDisplayOn | Displays the picture, timed to the next frame buffer swap. |
nuGfxFuncRemove | Removes the callback function registered in the graphics thread. It is a macro of the nuGfxFuncSet function. |
nuGfxFuncSet | Registers the callback function that will be executed in sync with the retrace in the graphics thread. |
nuGfxGfxTaskAllEndWait | Waits for the end of a graphics task. |
nuGfxInit | Initializes and activates the graphics thread and Graphics Task Manager. |
nuGfxPreNMIFuncRemove | Removes the callback function registered in the graphics thread. |
nuGfxPreNMIFuncSet | Registers in the graphics thread a callback function that is executed by a PRE-NMI event message. |
nuGfxRetraceWait | Waits for the number of retrace events specified by retrace_num. |
nuGfxSetCfb | Registers the frame buffers. |
nuGfxSetUcode | Registers the graphics microcode by entering the graphics microcode structure array in the Graphics Task Manager. |
nuGfxSetZBuffer | Registers the Z buffer. By default, the nuGfxInit function sets the Z buffer at 0x800004000. |
nuGfxSwapCfb | Registers the frame buffer indicated by the next retrace. |
nuGfxSwapCfbFuncRemove | Removes the callback function executed when a graphics task is completed. It is a macro of the nuGfxSwapCfbFuncSet function which registered the callback function. |
nuGfxSwapCfbFuncSet | Registers the callback function for execution at the end of a graphics task and before the frame buffer is swapped. |
nuGfxTaskEndFuncRemove | Removes the callback function that is executed at the end of the graphics task. It is a macro of the nuGfxTaskEndFuncSet function, which registered the callback function. |
nuGfxTaskEndFuncSet | Registers the callback function for execution at the end of a graphics task. |
nuGfxTaskMgrInit | Initializes and activates the Graphics Task Manager. This function is called from within nuGfxInit. |
nuGfxTaskSpool | The number of graphics tasks that have not been executed or are still being executed yet. |
nuGfxTaskStart | Activates a graphics task. |
nuGfxUcode | Pointer to the graphics microcode structure. Set from your application with the nuGfxSetUcode function. |
nuGfxZBuffer | Pointer to the Z buffer. Set it from your application with the nuGfxSetZBuffer function. |
nuPiInit | Initializes the PI so DMA transfers of data are possible from a game Pak that uses the PI. |
nuPiRomRead | Reads data from ROM. DMA transfers data to RDRAM from a game Pak that uses the PI. |
nuPreNMIFuncRemove | Removes the PRE-NMI event callback function. |
nuPreNMIFuncSet | Registers the callback function for a PRE-NMI event. |
nuScAddClient | Registers Scheduler clients. |
nuScCreateScheduler | Initializes and activates the Scheduler. |
nuScGetAudioMQ | Gets the pointer to the audio task thread message queue. |
nuScGetGfxMQ | Gets the pointer to the graphics task thread message queue. |
nuScRemoveClient | Removes the client that has been registered in the Scheduler. |
nuScRetraceCounter | Retrace counter used by the system event handler thread |
OS_CYCLES_TO_NSEC | Converts from CPU Count register cycles to nanoseconds |
OS_CYCLES_TO_USEC | Converts from CPU Count register cycles to microseconds |
OS_DCACHE_ROUNDUP_ADDR | Rounds up an address to an alignment matching that of the R4300 data cache line size (16 bytes) |
OS_DCACHE_ROUNDUP_SIZE | Rounds up an integer value to match that of the R4300 data cache line size (16 bytes) |
OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL | Translates from a cached, direct-mapped CPU address to a physical address |
OS_K1_TO_PHYSICAL | Translates from an uncached, direct-mapped CPU address to a physical address |
OS_NSEC_TO_CYCLES | Converts from nanoseconds to CPU Count register cycles |
OS_PHYSICAL_TO_K0 | Translates from a a physical address to a cached, direct-mapped CPU address |
OS_PHYSICAL_TO_K1 | Translates from a physical address to an uncached, direct-mapped CPU address |
OS_USEC_TO_CYCLES | Converts from microseconds to CPU Count register cycles |
osAckRamromRead | Is no longer needed |
osAckRamromWrite | Is no longer needed |
osAiGetLength | Returns the number of bytes remaining in the current DMA buffer |
osAiGetStatus | Returns the hardware status of the audio interface |
osAiSetFrequency | Based on a requested frequency (in Hz), it calculates the correct values for the internal divisors and returns the actual frequency generated by these divisors |
osAiSetNextBuffer | Sets up the next DMA transfer from DRAM to the audio interface buffer |
osAppNMIBuffer | Is a global variable that holds a 64-byte buffer that is cleared on a cold reset |
osCartRomInit | Returns the required hardware status information when using the ROM Emulator |
osContGetQuery | Returns Controller's status and type |
osContGetReadData | Returns 3D Stick data and button settings to the pad |
osContInit | Initializes the game Controller |
osContReset | Resets all game Controllers |
osContSetCh | Sets number of Controllers for reading |
osContStartQuery | Sends Query command to the Controller to obtain Controller's status and type |
osContStartReadData | Issues a read data command to obtain game Controller input settings |
osCreateLog | Initializes the OSLog data structure |
osCreateMesgQueue | Initializes a given OSMesgQueue structured message queue to an empty state |
osCreatePiManager | Creates and starts the PI Manager system thread to provide mutual exclusion and synchronization support for the PI devices |
osCreateRegion | Creates any number of memory regions at run-time |
osCreateScheduler | Creates an RCP task scheduler |
osCreateThread | Initializes a specified thread and puts it on an active queue to make it known to the N64® debugger |
osCreateViManager | Invokes the video interface (VI) manager system thread at the beginning of an applicaion |
osDestroyThread | Removes a specified thread from the active queue as well as any other queue the thread may be on |
osDpGetCounters | Get internal performance counters from the display processor |
osDpGetStatus | Returns the hardware status of the display processor command status register |
osDpSetNextBuffer | Updates the display processor pointers causing the display processor to begin reading an RDP display list from the DRAM buffer |
osDpSetStatus | Updates the display processor command status register with status |
osEepromLongRead | Reads multiple blocks of data from EEPROM |
osEepromLongWrite | Writes multiple blocks of data to EEPROM |
osEepromProbe | Requests the status of EEPROM, and returns 1 if EEPROM exists, 0 if it doesn't |
osEepromRead | Issues a read EEPROM command to obtain 8 bytes of data from the specified address |
osEepromWrite | Issues a write EEPROM command to write 8 bytes of data to the specified address |
osEPiGetDeviceType | Gains access to EPI without using the PI Manager to get the PI information recognized by the PI handler |
osEPiLinkHandle | Sets a pointer to the next member using an EPI handler |
osEPiRawReadIo | Performs 32-bit IO read operation and stores the value |
osEPiRawStartDma | Performs a polling operation to determine whether or not the interface is available before setting the DMA register |
osEPiRawWriteIo | Performs a 32-bit IO write operation to the EPI's device address |
osEPiReadIo | Performs 32-bit IO read operations from the PI device address |
osEPiStartDma | Sets up a DMA transfer condition between RDRAM and the EPI device address space |
osEPiWriteIo | Performs 32-bit IO write operations to the PI device address |
osFlushLog | Transfers the log data to the host |
osFree | De-allocates a buffer by putting the buffer back at the head of the region's free list |
osGetCause | Returns the current value of the MIPS R4300 Cause register that describes the cause of the most recent exception |
osGetCompare | Returns the current value of the R4300 Compare register |
osGetConfig | Returns the current value of the R4300 Configuration register |
osGetCount | Returns the current value of the MIPS R4300 Count register, a free running counter that increments at half the CPU clock speed |
osGetCurrFaultedThread | Returns the most recent faulted thread or NULL if there is no faulted thread |
osGetFpcCsr | Returns the current value of the R4300 floating-point control/status register |
osGetIntMask | Gets the enabled interrupt mask |
osGetMemSize | Confirms that the Memory Pak that comes with the N64® Disk Drive is inserted into the N64. All game Paks must use this function before using the Memory Pak |
osGetNextFaultedThread | Returns the next faulted thread from the active thread queue based on the last thread |
osGetRegionBufCount | Returns the total number of buffers created for the region |
osGetRegionBuffSize | Returns the size (in bytes) allocated for each buffer in the region |
osGetSR | Returns the current value of the R4300 Status register |
osGetThreadId | Obtains the debugger identifier of a thread |
osGetThreadPri | Returns the priority of the given thread |
osGetTime | Returns the value of time in CPU Count register cycles since the last hard reset |
osGetTLBASID | Returns the current TLB Address Space ID in the R4300 EntryHi register |
osGetTLBHi | Reads the appropriate TLB entry and returns the value of the R4300 EntryHi register |
osGetTLBLo0 | Reads the appropriate TLB entry and returns the value of the R4300 EntryLo0 register |
osGetTLBLo1 | Reads the appropriate TLB entry and returns the value of the R4300 EntryLo1 register |
osGetTLBPageMask | Reads the appropriate TLB entry and returns the value of the R4300 PageMask register |
osGlobals | Includes the osTvType, osResetType, osMemSize, and osAppNMIBuffer Operating System global variables |
osInitialize | Performs hardware and software initialization procedures |
osInitRdb | Sets up an outgoing buffer for the rdb debug port |
osInvalDCache | Invalidates CPU data cache lines |
osInvalICache | Invalidates CPU instruction cache lines |
osJamMesg | Copies the message to the front of the given message queue |
osLogEvent | Adds an entry to the given log |
osMalloc | Allocates a buffer by taking the buffer at the head of the region's free list and returns a pointer to that aligned buffer |
osMapTLB | Sets the TLB entry index (ranges from 0 to 31) |
osMemSize | Is a global variable that holds the installed main memory (DRAM) size in bytes |
osMotorInit | Initializes the Rumble Pak |
osMotorStart | Starts the Rumble Pak motor |
osMotorStop | Stops the Rumble Pak motor |
osPfsAllocateFile | Creates a new game note |
osPfsChecker | Inspects and repairs the Controller Pak's file system |
osPfsDeleteFile | Deletes a game note |
osPfsFileState | Obtains game note information |
osPfsFindFile | Searches the specified game note |
osPfsFreeBlocks | Obtains the available number of bytes in a Controller Pak |
osPfsGetLabel | Reads the label of a Controller Pak |
osPfsInit | Initializes the Controller Pak's file handle |
osPfsInitPak | Initializes the Controller Pak's file handle. Call this function when dealing with the Controller Pak for the first time or when the Controller Pak is initially inserted |
osPfsIsPlug | Detects which Controller contains a Controller Pak |
osPfsNumFiles | Acquires the maximum note number and the number of notes used |
osPfsReadWriteFile | Reading and writes game note game data |
osPfsRepairld | Repairs the Controller Pak file system |
osPfsReSizeFile | Changes the capacity reserved for game notes |
osPfsSetLabel | Writes to the Controller Pak label |
osPhysicalToVirtual | Is a function version of OS_PHYSICAL_TO_K0 and thus returns the direct-mapped, cached KSEG0 address corresponding to paddr |
osPiGetCmdQueue | Returns a pointer to the command queue of the PI Manager or NULL if the PI Manager has not been started |
osPiGetStatus | Returns the hardware status of the peripheral interface (PI) |
osPiRawReadIo | Performs a 32-bit programmed IO read from a specified PI device address, and it returns the value in data. It also polls the interface for idleness before performing the operation |
osPiRawStartDma | Sets up a DMA transfer between a specified RDRAM virtual address and a specified PI device address |
osPiRawWriteIo | Performs a 32-bit programmed IO write to a specified PI device address |
osPiReadIo | Performs a 32-bit programmed IO read from a specified PI device address and returns the value in data |
osPiStartDma | Sets up a DMA transfer between RDRAM and PI device address space by sending a specified I/O message block request to the PI manager |
osPiWriteIo | Performs a 32-bit programmed IO write to a specified PI device address |
osProfile | Is the group of functions (osProfileInit, osProfileStart, osProfileStop, osProfileFlush) that manage the execution-time profile for disjoint text spaces |
osProfileFlush | Transfers profile data to the gperf tool (program) assuming gperf is running in server mode |
osProfileInit | Initializes the profiled segment count buffers and starts an I/O thread that communicates profile data to the host when requested by the gperf tool |
osProfileStart | Starts the profiler's interval counter |
osProfileStop | Turns off profiling |
osReadHost | Set up the game-side connection to accept data from the host and copy it to DRAM |
osRecvMesg | Copies the first message in the message queue into a specified address |
osResetType | Is a global variable that saves the cause of a system reboot |
osScAddClient | Adds a client to the RCP task scheduler |
osScGetTaskQ | Gets the message queue used for communicating with the scheduler thread |
osScRemoveClient | Removes a client from the RCP task scheduler |
osSendMesg | Copies the message to the end of the given message queue |
osSetCause | Sets the new value for the MIPS R4300 Cause register that describes the cause of the most recent exception |
osSetCompare | Sets the new value for the R4300 Compare register |
osSetConfig | Sets the new value for the R4300 Configuration register |
osSetErrorHandler | Sets debug library error handling routine |
osSetEventMesg | Associates a message queue and message with an event |
osSetFpcCsr | Sets the new value for the R4300 floating-point control/status register |
osSetIntMask | Set the enabled interrupt mask |
osSetSR | Sets the new value for the R4300 Status register |
osSetThreadPri | Sets the priority of specified thread |
osSetTime | Sets the value of time in CPU Count register cycles |
osSetTimer | Starts an interval or countdown timer |
osSetTLBASID | Sets a system-wide address space identifier register that makes valid only mappings of the given address space identifier (as well as global mappings) |
osSpTaskLoad | Loads the given task into the serial processor |
osSpTaskStart | Is a macro that performs an osSpTaskLoad call followed by an osSpTaskStartGo call |
osSpTaskStartGo | Causes the serial processor to begin executing |
osSpTaskYield | Requests that the serial processor yield |
osSpTaskYielded | Returns OS_TASK_YIELDED if the task successfully yielded; otherwise it returns 0 which indicates that the task finished normally before it could yield (and therefore should not be restarted later) |
osStartThread | Starts or resumes a thread |
osStopThread | Suspends a thread |
osStopTimer | Stops an interval or countdown timer |
osSyncPrintf | N64® tool that does formatted printing through the debug port |
osTestHost | Is no longer supported |
osTvType | Is a global variable that indicates whether the N64® system is configured for PAL video timing (0), NTSC (1), or MPAL (2) |
osUnmapTLB | Removes any existing even or odd page mapping for the TLB entry index |
osUnmapTLBAll | Removes all mappings at all indexes (invalidates the entire TLB) |
osViBlack | Blacks out the screen and still generates vertical retrace signals |
osViFade | Fades between the first 2 scan lines of the frame buffer |
osViGetCurrentField | Returns the field number (either 0 or 1) currently being used by the video interface |
osViGetCurrentFramebuffer | Returns an opaque pointer to the currently displayed framebuffer |
osViGetCurrentLine | Returns the current half line, sampled once per line |
osViGetCurrentMode | Returns the video interface (VI) mode that is currently being used |
osViGetNextFramebuffer | Returns an opaque pointer to the next framebuffer to be displayed |
osViGetStatus | Returns the value of the video interface status/control register |
osViRepeatLine | Repeats the first scan line of the frame buffer for the entire frame |
osVirtualToPhysical | Translate an arbitrary CPU virtual address to its physical address, if such a translation exists |
osViSetEvent | Registers a message queue and a message with the VI Manager |
osViSetMode | Resets all current settings such X-Y scaling and special features (for example, gamma) to the default values defined in the global mode table |
osViSetSpecialFeatures | Allows the caller to enable or disable various video interface special features such as GAMMA, GAMMA_DITHER, DIVOT, and DITHER_FILTER |
osViSetXScale | Allows scaling the image up horizontally (in the X direction) to the required display format from a reduced number of rendered pixels per line |
osViSetYScale | Allows scaling the image up vertically (in the Y direction) to the required display format from a reduced number of rendered lines per frame |
osViSwapBuffer | Registers the frame buffer to be displayed at the next vertical retrace interrupt |
osWritebackDCache | Writes back all data cache lines that contain the region |
osWritebackDCacheAll | Writes back all cached locations to physical memory |
osWriteHost | Attempts to copy data from the game to the host |
osYieldThread | Yields the CPU and invokes the thread dispatcher |
playraw | N64® tool that plays raw sample files on the SGI Indy audio hardware |
pow | Returns x to the y power where both x and y are specified double numbers |
powf | Returns x to the y power where both x and y are specified floating point numbers |
qsort | Performs a quick-sort of arrays |
ramstart | N64® tool that acquires a starting logical block address (LBA) for a RAM area of a disk of a specified type |
rand | Returns a pseudo-random number from 0 to 0x7fff |
RAND | Returns a pseudo-random integer in the range of -2147483647 to 2147483647 |
readmem | N64® tool that reads data from a target system memory space |
realloc | Reduces the memory block size in a reserved area that was reserved by the InitHeap function to be a larger area |
rgb2c | N64® tool converts an .rgb file to a C data structure |
rmonPrintf | N64® tool that has been removed from the libraries. Game applications should use osSyncPrintf instead |
rspboot |
Microcode that enforces the OS synchronization between
the host CPU (R4300) and the RSP. It processes the task header structure, loads the microcode for the task, and begins the task execution. The boot code does not remain in IMEM, so it is re-loaded at the beginning of each task |
sbc | N64® tool that makes a sequence bank file |
setjmp | Saves (reserves) its calling environment for later use by the longjmp function |
sin | Returns the sine for a radian angle specified as a double value |
sinf | Returns the sine for a radian angle specified as a floating point value |
sinf | Computes the sine in floating point, given an angle in radians and using polynomial approximation |
sinh | Returns the hyperbolic sine for a radian angle specified as a double value |
sinhf | Returns the hyperbolic sine for a radian angle specified as a floating point value |
sins | Computes the sine using a table lookup in DRAM, returning the result in s.15 fixed-point format |
spClearAttribute | Clears the indicated attributes that specify how the sprite is to be drawn |
spColor | Sets the coloration of a specified sprite |
spDraw | Generates the display list that will draw the sprite on the screen |
spFinish | Resets graphics mode to the default when sprite drawing is finished |
spInit | Sets graphics modes as needed for sprite drawing |
spIntro | Introduces the sprite manipulation functions |
spMove | Positions the upper left corner of the sprite on the screen |
spScale | Alters the size and shape of the sprite by expanding or contracting each of the sprite's dimensions |
spScissor | Sets the bounding region in which subsequent sprites will be drawn |
spSetAttribute | Sets the indicated attributes that specify how the sprite is to be drawn |
spSetZ | Sets the depth of a specified sprite |
sqrt | Returns the square root of a specified double value |
sqrtf | Returns the square root of a specified floating point value |
sqrtf | Computes the square root of a value by using the R4300 FPU sqrt instruction |
srand | Uses a specified seed for a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers to be returned by subsequent calls to the rand function |
stacktool | N64® tool that is a static stack analysis tool for the N64® development system |
stepthread | N64® tool that single steps a target system thread |
stopthread | N64® tool that halts a target system thread |
strcat | Appends a specified character string (including its terminating NULL character) to the end of another specified character string |
strchr | Finds the first occurrence of a specified character (specified by its integer code) within a specified character string, and then either returns a pointer to that character in the string or a NULL if the character is not found |
strcmp | Compares two specified character strings, and then returns a negative integer if the first is shorter than the second, a zero if the strings are of equal length, or a positive integer if the first is longer than the second |
strcpy | Copies a specified character sting on top of another specified character string including its terminating NULL character and returns the result |
strcspn | Computes and returns the length of the maximum initial segment of a specified string that consists entirely of characters not found in a second specified string |
strlen | Returns the length of a specified character string |
strncat | Appends a specified number of characters (excluding the NULL terminating character) from a specified character string to the end of another specified character string |
strncmp | Compares a specified number of characters from a specified character string (a string segment) to a second specified character string, and then returns a negative integer if the string segment is shorter than the second string, a zero if the two are of equal length, or a positive number if the string segment is longer than the second string |
strncpy | Copies a specified number of characters from a specified character string (excluding the NULL terminating character and the characters that follow it) on top of another specified character string |
strpbrk | Finds the first occurrence of in a specified string of any character currently in another specified string and then returns a pointer to that found character or NULL if no character match is found |
strrchr | Finds the last occurrence of a specified character (specified by its integer code) within a specified character string, and then either returns a pointer to that character in the string or a NULL if the character is not found |
strspn | Computes the length of the maximum initial segment of a specified string that consists entirely of characters that exist in another specified string, and then returns the length of the segment |
strstr | Locates the first occurrence in a specified string of the sequence of characters (excluding the NULL terminating character) from another specified string, and then returns either a pointer to the found string or a NULL pointer if the character sequence is not found |
strtod | Converts a specified character string to a double type |
strtok | Through repeated calls, breaks up a specified character string into a sequence of tokens each of which is delimited by a character from a second specified string. Calls subsequent to the first specify a NULL character as the first argument |
strtol | Converts a specified character string to a long type |
strtoul | Converts a specified character string to an unsigned long type |
tabledesign | N64® tool that designs codebooks for the ADPCM compressor |
tan | Finds the tangent of a specified double radian angle |
tanf | Finds the tangent of a specified floating point radian angle |
tanh | Finds the hyperbolic tangent of a specified double radian angle |
tanhf | Finds the hyperbolic tangent of a specified floating point radian angle |
threadstatus | N64® tool that displays the status of a target system thread |
u64 | Emulator 2.0 INDY Device |
uhCloseGame | Closes the given file descriptor |
uhOpenGame | Opens the given device special file and configures it to listen for game I/O events |
uhReadGame | Reads nbytes of data from the game and copy it to the memory region beginning at a specified address |
uhReadRamrom | Copies nbytes of data from the ramrom memory begining at a specified address |
uhWriteGame | Copies nbytes of data from the host (beginning at a specified address) to the game |
uhWriteRamrom | Writes nbytes from data to the ramrom memory begining at a specified address |
vadpcm_dec | N64® tool that decodes a sound file that has been encoded in the N64® ADPCM format (by using the vadpcm_enc tool) and writes it to standard output as raw
mono 16-bit samples |
vadpcm_enc | N64® tool that encodes AIFC or AIFF sound files and produces a compressed binary file that is used by the Nintendo 64 audio library |
writeword | N64® tool that writes data to a target system location |