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n_alSeqpSetSeqFormat#include <n_libaudio.h> void n_alSeqpSetSeq(N_ALSeqPlayer *seqp, ALSeq *seq); Arguments
This function is available in the n_audio library. It sets the sequence player's target sequence to be that referenced by the seq argument, which must first be initialized. It always resets the sequence tempo to 120 beats per minute. If there is a bank associated with the sequence player, It resets the sequence player's channel arguments. The first instrument in the bank is used as the default program. That instrument's pan, volume, priority, and bend range are used for the channel parameter defaults. If the bank has a percussion instrument, that instrument is used for MIDI channel 10. The fx mix is set to AL_DEFAULT_FXMIX. See Also n_alSeqNew alSeq n_alSeqpSetBank