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ic [-v] [-p] [-c] [-s] -[n] -o <output file prefix> <source file>
What This Tool Does
It is the instrument compiler for N64 audio. The Nintendo 64 Audio Library synthesizes audio from MIDI events by using information contained in the .ctl and .tbl data files. These files, along
with the .sym file are known collectively as Bank files, and are created
by the ic tool.
The .tbl file contains the ADPCM compressed audio wavetable data.
The .ctl file contains information about how the wavetables are to be
synthesized. It includes information about the wavetable's envelope, pan
position, pitch, mapping to MIDI note numbers, and velocity values. For
more information about the format of the .ctl file, see the Audio Formats
section of the Nintendo 64 Programming Manual.
If the -c or
-s option is used, ic determines what sounds are needed
to play the sequences contained in the sequence bank files, and it removes
any unused sounds or objects.
The .sym file contains the bank file's symbol information, and is used
mainly for development and debugging. It is used only by the audio bank
tools, not by the Audio Library.
Command Line Options
-v Turns on verbose mode, which spews a lot of largely useless information.
-o <filename> Specifies a file prefix for compiler output.
<source file> Gives you the source code for the instrument compiler.
-c <compact sequence bank file>
Analyzes the sequence bank file, and determines
what sounds and objects are used. Any object not
needed is stripped from the output bank. The
compact sequence file should have been made using
midicomp and sbc.
-s <midi sequence bank file>
Analyzes the sequence bank file, and determines what
sounds and objects are used. Any object not needed
is stripped from the output bank. The compact sequence
file should have been made using midicvt and sbc.
-p Prints out a table for every program, showing whether
or not the key is used. A value of zero indicates unused, and
a one indicates used. (This option is valid only when used with the -c or -s
-n Blocks the sorting of sounds by their keymap. This is usually used when you're compiling a sound effects bank because
the game needs to reference the sounds as they appear in
the .inst file. However, MIDI banks need to have their
sounds sorted by keymap so MIDI note numbers can be
correctly mapped to the corresponding sound.
See Also
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Copyright © 1998
Nintendo of America Inc. All rights reserved Nintendo and N64 are registered trademarks of Nintendo
Last updated January 1998