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#include <ultra64.h>
s32 osEepromProbe(OSMesgQueue *mq);
What This Function Does
It checks to see if EEPROM is correctly loaded in an N64 Game Pak. If EEPROM is correctly loaded, this function returns the type of EEPROM. The return values are:
- 0x00 - no EEPROM is loaded or EEPROM_TYPE_4K was returned when there should be a 16K-EEPROM on board
- 0x01 - (EEPROM_TYPE_4K) SIZE=4K bit, that is a 4K-EEPROM is present
- 0x02 - (EEPROM_TYPE_16K) SIZE=16K bit, that is a 16K-EEPROM is present
A message queue (specified by the mq argument) must be an initialized message queue linked to the OS_EVENT_SI event. To learn how to create this link, see the osSetEventMesg function.
Note that you must always call osContInit to initialize low-level synchronization before you call osEepromProbe.
Whenever an application uses EEPROM, you must use this function (osEepromProbe) to ensure that EEPROM is correctly loaded. If you find that EEPROM is not correctly loaded, Nintendo recommends that the game be terminated for safety reasons.
See Also
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Copyright © 1998
Nintendo of America Inc. All rights reserved Nintendo and N64 are registered trademarks of Nintendo
Last updated January 1998