N64® Functions Menu
al - Audio Library Functions
gDP - DP GBI Macros
gdSP - General GBI Macros
gSP - SP GBI Macros
gt - Turbo Microcode RDP
gu - Graphics Utilities
Math - Math Functions
nuSys - NuSystem
os - N64 Operating System
sp - Sprite Library Functions
uh - Host to Target IO
64DD - N64 Disk Drive
#include "gu.h"
void guLookAtHilite(Mtx *m,
LookAt *l, Hilite *h,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp,
float xl1, float yl1, float zl1,
float xl2, float yl2, float zl2,
int twidth, int theight)
- m is the resulting 4x4 viewing matrix
- l is the pointer to the resulting LookAt structure to store colors and lookat directions
- h is the pointer to the resulting structure to store texture offsets of two specular highlights
- xEye, yEye, zEye specify the eye position
- xAt, yAt, zAt specify the center of interest in the direction we are looking
- xUp, yUp, zUp specify the up direction vector
- xl1, yl1, zl1 specify the direction of the first specular highlight
- xl2, yl2, zl2 specify the direction of the second specular highlight
- twidth, theight specify the width and height of textures that will be used to render specular highlights
What This Function Does
It returns a fixed-point 4x4 viewing matrix (m). It sets up the LookAt structure with x and y screen space coordinate directions. It sets up the Hilite structure with computed offsets into the texture(s) that are used to render up to two specular highlights.
Use the gDPSetHiliteTile macro to tell the RCP how to render specular highlights (with the info in the Hilite struct h), and use the gSPLookAt macro to tell the RCP how to compute texture coordinates for reflection mapping or specular hilite rendering (with the info in the LookAt struct l).
For a detailed description of the fixed-point matrix format, see gSPMatrix.
See Also
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Copyright © 1998
Nintendo of America Inc. All rights reserved Nintendo and N64 are registered trademarks of Nintendo
Last updated January 1998