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#include "gbi.h"
gSPInsertMatrix(Gfx *gdl,
unsigned int where,
unsigned int num)
gsSPInsertMatrix(unsigned int where,
unsigned int num)
- gdl is the pointer to the graphics display list
- where is one of the following values that specifies which two elements of the matrix to modify:
- num gives the new values for the elements. It is a 32-bit integer. The high 16 bits replace the first element
described by the where argument, and the low 16 bits replace the second element described by the where argument
What This Macro Does
This is an advanced macro. You need to have a good understanding of how matrices work in the RSP microcode before you use this macro (see gSPMatrix).
This macro replaces two elements of the concatenated MODELVIEW and
PROJECTION matrix with two new numbers (supplied in the num parameter).
Due to the internal format of the RSP's Matrices (see gSPMatrix),
elements of the matrix can only be modified in pairs. It is important to
understand that the matrix being modified is the concatenated
MODELVIEW and PROJECTION matrix, and that no matrix multiplication is
performed after the gSPInsertMatrix macro. No matrix pushes or pops
are performed, and the top of the MODELVIEW and PROJECTION matrix stacks
are untouched. If this macro is followed by a gSPMatrix macro,
the matrix elements modified by gSPInsertMatrix will be lost and
will not affect the new matrix on the RSP; it will be as if the gSPInsertMatrix
macro had never been sent.
The replaced elements are specified by the where argument. To
modify an element completely, you must modify both the integer and
fractional part of the matrix. See the note on Matrix Format in the
gSPMatrix page for more information. Values for the where argument are:
- G_MWO_MATRIX_XX_XY_I - xscale and xy components (integer)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_XX_XY_F - xscale and xy components (frac)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_XZ_XW_I - xz and xw components (integer)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_XZ_XW_F - xz and xw components (frac)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_YX_YY_I - yx and yscale components (integer)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_YX_YY_F - yx and yscale components (frac)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_YZ_YW_I - yz and yw components (integer)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_YZ_YW_F - yz and yw components (frac)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_ZX_ZY_I - zx and zy components (integer)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_ZX_ZY_F - zx and zy components (frac)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_ZZ_ZW_I - zscale and zw components (integer)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_ZZ_ZW_F - zscale and zw components (frac)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_WX_WY_I - x and y translate components (integer)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_WX_WY_F - x and y translate components (frac)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_WZ_WW_I - z translate and wscale components (integer)
- G_MWO_MATRIX_WZ_WW_F - z translate and wscale components (frac)
Important Note
The gSPInsertMatrix macro does not affect lighting. Therefore, if
you are using lighting and you use the gSPInsertMatrix macro, the
lights will act on a rendered object according to the RSP's matrix state
preceding the gSPInsertMatrix macro, but the object's position and
orientation will be affected by the changes to the matrix made by the
gSPInsertMatrix macro.
Matrix Format
Please see the note on Matrix Format in the gSPMatrix page.
To modify the x and y translate terms of a matrix to be 20.5 and 15.25
(respectively), use this code:
See Also
Nintendo® Confidential
Warning: all information in this document is confidential and covered by a non-disclosure agreement. You are responsible for keeping this information confidential and protected. Nintendo will vigorously enforce this responsibility.
Copyright © 1998
Nintendo of America Inc. All rights reserved Nintendo and N64 are registered trademarks of Nintendo
Last updated January 1998