N64® Functions Menu

al - Audio Library Functions
gDP - DP GBI Macros
gdSP - General GBI Macros
gSP - SP GBI Macros
gt - Turbo Microcode RDP
gu - Graphics Utilities
Math - Math Functions
nuSys - NuSystem
os - N64 Operating System
sp - Sprite Library Functions
uh - Host to Target IO
64DD - N64 Disk Drive

Nintendo® Confidential



void nuDebTaskPerfBar1(u32 frameNum, u32 y, u32 flag)

  • frameNum is the frame number (1 - 6) being displayed.
  • y is the Y coordinate (0 - 240) of the upper-left corner of the performance barometer display frame; it specifies the screen coordinates for the display position.
  • flag is the frame buffer swap flag that is passed to the nuGfxTaskStart function. It specifies whether or not to swap the frame buffer at the end of the task:

    • NU_SC_SWAPBUFFER for swap frame buffer
    • NU_SC_NOSWAPBUFFER for don't swap frame buffer
Returned Value

What This Function Does
It displays a performance barometer (type 1) for a graphics task as well as for an audio task. This function internally creates the display list and activates the graphics task. Type 1 indicates the total amount of audio task and graphics task processing time by the RSP and RDP during a frame buffer draw is presented in this manner:

       Frame-1   Frame1   Frame2   Frame3
  (1) |====     |       |        |       | 
  (2) |============================      | 
  (3) |=======================   |       | 

(1) is the RSP's audio task process time
(2) is the RSP's graphic task process time
(3) is the RSP's graphic draw time

The RSP's graphic task process time includes yield time. What is being measured is the time between the end of the current task specified by NU_SC_SWAPBUFFER and the end of the next task specified by NU_SC_SWAPBUFFER. This performance barometer helps you grasp the processing time of the RSP and RDP. You can use it to make adjustments when you want to squeeze things into a limited number of frames.

This function can only use the debug libraries. If the nuGfxInit function is not employed, be sure to use the "zero position" microcode in the microcode structure array defined with the nuGfxSetUcode function.

See Also

Nintendo® Confidential

Warning: all information in this document is confidential and covered by a non-disclosure agreement. You are responsible for keeping this information confidential and protected. Nintendo will vigorously enforce this responsibility.

Copyright © 1998
Nintendo of America Inc. All rights reserved
Nintendo and N64 are registered trademarks of Nintendo
Last updated January 1998