N64® Tools
in Alphabetical Order

Nintendo® Confidential
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asccodeN64 tool that gets the character information data about an ASCII character
bankdumpN64 tool that prints the symbol information (symbol name, class, and offset) contained in the N64 sound banks for objects contained in the .sym file created by the ic tool
bkptN64 tool that sets or clears the target breakpoint
byte2lbaN64 tool that converts from bytes to LBA
calcnccN64 tool that calculates the NCC (Nintendo Check Code) from the N64 Disk Drive master data file
dbgifN64 tool that establishes a link between the host workstation and the game target
dlprintN64 tool that formats and prints graphics display lists and audio command lists in a human readable form to the standard output device
flt2cN64 tool that converts from a MultiGen .flt database to a Nintendo 64 graphics data-structure
gbiGeneral description of the graphics binary interface macros
gbi2memN64 tool that converts the output of the guDumpGbiDL function (in an N64 application) to a format usable by the RSP simulator
gdisN64 tool that disassembles object files into machine instructions
getfpregsN64 tool that retrieves floating point register contents for a target system thread
getgregsN64 tool that retrieves the general purpose register contents for a target system thread
getsregsN64 tool that retrieves the scalar register contents from the RCP co-processor
getvregsN64 tool that retrieves the vector register contents from the RCP co-processor
gloadN64 tool that loads games for the N64 development system
gperfN64 tool that analyzes profile data
gvdThe GameShop debugger that runs on the host development workstation and communicates with the game development board by way of the dbgif program
icThe instrument compiler for N64 audio that creates the bank files
ieN64 tool that is the instrument editor for Nintendo 64 audio
imscaleN64 tool that is an image scaling utility that reads in an rgb format image and scales it by arbitrary X and Y floating point scaling values to stretch or shrink the image to a desired size, which is useful for constructing properly filtered textures used in MIP mapping
lba2byteN64 tool that converts from LBA to bytes
leowriteN64 tool that writes the specified file onto the N64 Disk Drive disk
listthreadsN64 tool that lists the threads currently running in the target system
makediskN64 tool that creates the N64 Disk Drive disk image and its related ELF object file
makeromN64 tool that creates a ROM Game Pak image and associated ELF object files
midicompN64 tool that is a MIDI file converter/compressor that converts a Type 1 or Type 0 Standard MIDI file into a compressed MIDI format for use with the Nintendo 64 Audio Library
midicvtN64 tool that is a MIDI file converter that converts a Type 1 Standard MIDI file to a Type 0 Standard MIDI file for use with the Nintendo 64 Audio Library
midiDmonN64 tool that plays midi on the Nintendo 64 in real time
midiprintA MIDI file listing N64 tool that prints a text listing of the time-based MIDI events in a Type 0 or Type 1 Standard MIDI file
midistatN64 tool that provides note statistics for MIDI files
mkispriteN64 tool that converts .rgb files to the C Sprite data structure
mkspriteN64 tool that converts .rgb files to the C Sprite data structure
mksprite32N64 tool that converts .rgb files to the C Sprite data structure
n64mdiskN64 tool that creates the game program�s master data
nosLoadFontN64 tool that expands font data in memory
osSyncPrintfN64 tool that does formatted printing through the debug port
playrawN64 tool that plays raw sample files on the SGI Indy audio hardware
ramstartN64 tool that acquires a starting logical block address (LBA) for a RAM area of a disk of a specified type
readmemN64 tool that reads data from a target system memory space
rgb2cN64 tool that converts an .rgb file to a C data structure
rmonPrintfN64 tool that has been removed from the libraries. Game applications should use osSyncPrintf instead
sbcN64 tool that makes a sequence bank file
stacktoolN64 tool that is a static stack analysis tool for the N64 development system
stepthreadN64 tool that single steps a target system thread
stopthreadN64 tool that halts a target system thread
tabledesignN64 tool that designs codebooks for the ADPCM compressor
threadstatusN64 tool that displays the status of a target system thread
vadpcm_decN64 tool that decodes a sound file that has been encoded in the N64 ADPCM format (by using the vadpcm_enc tool) and writes it to standard output as raw mono 16-bit samples
vadpcm_encN64 tool that encodes AIFC or AIFF sound files and produces a compressed binary file that is used by the Nintendo 64 audio library
writewordN64 tool that writes data to a target system location
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Copyright © 1998
Nintendo of America Inc.
All rights reserved.
Last updated March 1998